High Road Training Partnerships


County Spending Category
2.3 Employment Opportunities for Workers and Youth
Federal Expenditure Category
Assistance to Unemployed or Undermployed Workers (e.g. job training, subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of Workers Completing Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of People Participating in Summer Youth Employment Programs
  • # of training programs developed or expanded in each sector
  • # of committed partners for HRTP program
  • # of contracts with providers
  • # of participants placed in jobs related to program trainings
  • Launch apprenticeship portal
  • Acquire contract with apprenticeship hub provider to streamline apprenticeship portal
  • # of strategies/plans for each sector to develop and implement HRTP
  • # of establish partnerships with employers in each sector
  • # of comprehensive sector/jobs forecast/programs outcome reports
  • # of individuals who successful completed high road training programs
  • percentage of priority population served
  • number of participants that received supportive services
  • Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • median wage achieved in placed employment
  • # of participants placed in apprenticeships related to program trainings

Target Populations

  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • People Experiencing Homelessness

Project Description

High Road Training Partnerships (HRTPs) bring together industry, education and training providers, labor, and community to build employer-informed, skill-based training models that meet evolving market needs and promote job quality, equity, and sustainability. Through this project, Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)) will offer HRTPs for LA County focused on high-growth sectors, which have been validated by labor market data. Primary areas of focus are those with occupations that do not require a post-secondary degree and offer alternative pathways to entry, demonstrate current and projected hiring need, and offer family-sustaining wage jobs with career pathways. The priority high-growth sectors identified are: 1) Construction, 2) Healthcare, 3) Technology, 4) Early Care and Education (ECE); 5) Aerospace, and 6) Creative Economy. HRTPs will use a sector-based approach and leverage Sector Intermediaries to manage and coordinate all activities and services provided through each of the six sectors. Sector Intermediaries will be responsible for either offering training or engaging other partners in training and connecting participants to sector-related employment. By focusing on Los Angeles County residents who are unemployed or disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, we will catalyze employment opportunities for communities in need of an equitable economic recovery to reduce economic hardships and improve long-term outcomes both intergenerationally and multi-generationally. Additionally, Childcare remains a significant barrier to rapid re-employment for women. A March 2021 Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that the number one reason why women dropped out of the labor force during the COVID-19 pandemic was access to quality and affordable ECE services. DOE will work closely with the Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE) to support them in their ongoing workforce strategies to develop a viable career pathway into ECE and increase the supply of quality, affordable childcare.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description • Increase employment of 450 of participants in the following high-growth sectors 1) Construction, 2) Healthcare, 3) Technology), 4) Early Care and Education (ECE), 5) Aerospace, and 6) Creative Economy. Improve stable and high-quality employment for Concentrated Disadvantage and Moderate-Highest COVID-19 Vulnerability communities,

Objective Description - Ensure 338 participants secure job placements in specified high-growth industries and in high road career pathways (75% placement rate)

Activity Description • Develop or expand an employer-based training, pre-apprenticeship, and/or apprenticeship in each sector.
# Type Name Baseline Target
9 Service Delivery # of training programs developed or expanded in each sector 4.00 4.00

Activity Description • Provide in-demand, high quality training with industry-recognized credentials, where possible, in each sector.
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Service Delivery Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs 338.00 450.00

Activity Description • Place training participants in jobs in training related sectors that provide family-sustaining wages, benefits, and advancement opportunities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
38 Program Outcome # of participants placed in jobs related to program trainings 338.00 338.00

Activity Description • Develop a strategy and plan for each sector to identify and target in-demand occupations, identify and recommend partners, and plan of action to develop and implement a HRTP.
# Type Name Baseline Target
34 Performance # of strategies/plans for each sector to develop and implement HRTP 4.00 4.00

Objective Description - Establish partnerships with at least 5 employers in each sector

Activity Description • Convene and secure commitments from at least 10 partners including employers, education and training providers, labor, and community stakeholders across the entire HRTP program. Partner commitments will ensure each sectors’ work force programs accurately gauge training and job seeker needs to establish effective learning programs and talent pipelines. Convenings will serve to build partnership and commitment, share industry knowledge, identify target occupations, and develop and implement HRTPs.
# Type Name Baseline Target
12 Performance # of committed partners for HRTP program 10.00 10.00

Activity Description • Contract with a provider to engage at diverse range of employers across the four sectors to develop additional apprenticeship pipelines.
# Type Name Baseline Target
13 Service Delivery # of contracts with providers 4.00 4.00

Outcome Description 337 individuals are trained and placed in high road career pathways and self-sustaining wage jobs within 12 months of the program start date.

Outcome Description 450 Successful enrollments in high road, employer-driven training programs
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery # of participants placed in apprenticeships related to program trainings
2 Program Outcome median wage achieved in placed employment 21.22 22.00
3 Service Delivery Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs 338.00 450.00
4 Service Delivery percentage of priority population served 85.00 100.00

Outcome Description 380 Successful completions of high road training programs (85%)
# Type Name Baseline Target
24 Program Outcome # of individuals who successful completed high road training programs 380.00 380.00

Outcome Description 337 Success job placement in specified high-growth industries and in high road career pathways (75% placement rate)

Outcome Description 4 Comprehensive sector/jobs forecast/programs outcome reports
# Type Name Baseline Target
22 Program Outcome # of comprehensive sector/jobs forecast/programs outcome reports 4.00 4.00

Goal Description • Provide 20 employers with quality and diversified talent to support their recovery from the pandemic.

Objective Description - Ensure 380 participants successfully complete high road training programs (85% completion rate)

Outcome Description Establish partnerships with at least 5 employers in each sector
# Type Name Baseline Target
21 Program Outcome # of establish partnerships with employers in each sector 5.00 5.00

Goal Description • Increase apprenticeship enrollment within a 12 month period,

Objective Description - Successfully enroll 450 participants in high road, employer-based training programs

Activity Description • Recruit Participants from Moderate-Highest COVID-19 Vulnerability and Concentrated Disadvantage census tracts, with special emphasis on justice-involved individuals, housing insecure individuals, women, and BIPOC communities. Partner with AJCCs, CBOs, and other County Departments in these efforts.

Activity Description • Provide wraparound supportive services, case management, and training stipend to all Participants, as necessary and based on eligibility.
# Type Name Baseline Target
6 Program Outcome number of participants that received supportive services 380.00 380.00

Goal Description • Streamline apprenticeship management to make it simpler for participants and employers to engage in HRTPs.

Objective Description - Produce 4 Comprehensive sector/jobs forecast/programs outcome reports

Activity Description • Deploy an apprenticeship management portal to facilitate access to high-road opportunities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
17 Service Delivery Launch apprenticeship portal 1.00 1.00

Activity Description • Contract with an apprenticeship hub provider to streamline apprenticeship management to make it simpler for participants and employers to engage in HRTPs.
# Type Name Baseline Target
18 Service Delivery Acquire contract with apprenticeship hub provider to streamline apprenticeship portal 1.00 1.00