Youth @ Work


County Spending Category
2.3 Employment Opportunities for Workers and Youth
Federal Expenditure Category
Assistance to Unemployed or Undermployed Workers (e.g. job training, subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Served
  • Recruited
  • Foster Participants Served
  • Homeless Participants Served
  • LGBTQ+ Participants Served
  • Justice-Impacted Participants Served
  • Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of Workers Completing Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of People Participating in Summer Youth Employment Programs
  • Participants Entering or Continuing Post-Secondary Education or Advanced Training at Exit
  • Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment
  • Percentage of Participants that Entered Education or Vocational Training.
  • Percent Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment

Target Populations

  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • People Experiencing Homelessness

Project Description

The Youth@Work program will provide a minimum 800 LA County Youth with 400 Hours of paid work experience, training, and mentorship in a cohort model to prepare youth for employment. Participants will be placed in a high-growth or a post-Covid emerging sector, including healthcare, infrastructure, trade and logistics, e-commerce, transportation and warehousing, advanced manufacturing, entertainment and creative arts, informational technology, and hospitality, to obtain telework or in person work experience. Program participants will attend weekly scheduled Development Days with guest speakers, peer support networks, mentoring, career workshops, and more. This program will serve 200 youth from each of the following categories between the ages of 17-24 residing in areas most impacted by Covid-19 pandemic: current or former foster youth, individuals experiencing homelessness, LGBTQ+, and justice impacted youth. The Youth@Work Program will be delivered through the County’s network of America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) located throughout the County of Los Angeles. AJCCs provide one-stop career development services to County residents, including connecting individuals to employment, registered apprenticeships, among other services. AJCCs also provide an array of supportive services to encourage program participation and referrals to housing assistance resources, education services, legal resources, and more.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description To ensure foster youth, youth experiencing homelessness, LGBTQ+ youth, and justice-impacted youth in Los Angeles County are: Successfully engaged in and enrolled in the Youth@Work program, exposed to in-demand and diverse career pathways for future education and employment in LA County, connected to employment in high-growth and emerging sectors that offer sustaining wages, work-ready and prepared to compete for employment.

Objective Description Place a total of 800 priority youth (200 foster youth, 200 LGBTQ+ youth, 200 individuals experiencing homelessness, and 200 justice-impacted youth) in paid work experience within high growth and emerging sector employers by June 30, 2023. Each youth will receive a total of 400 hours of paid work experience, personal enrichment training, and mentorship and reach unsubsidized employment by June 30, 2023. The program will measure the percentage of participants that obtained employment, retained employment at 6 and 12 months after program completion, entered education or vocational training across each demographic category.

Activity Description Primary activities include: establish staffing and operations necessary to deliver the program structure, create a program schedule for all cohorts necessary at each AJCC to meet the goal of 500 served by 2023, including recruitment, enrollment, placement, and cohort graduation, identify a program partner to deliver the training and mentorship components of the program, recruit employers in high growth and post-covid emerging sectors to serve as sites for the work-based experience components of the program, develop program policy, training, implementation process, and individual assessment and participant and employer matching. recruit 500 young adults in the priority populations so that each cohort is full and meets the goals of the program, provide the full program model following a cohort structure, assess impact during and at the end through surveys to allow for continuous improvement and system-wide learning on opportunity youth employment
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Served 800.00 800.00
2 Program Outcome Recruited 800.00 800.00
3 Performance Foster Participants Served 200.00 200.00
4 Performance Homeless Participants Served 200.00 200.00
5 Performance LGBTQ+ Participants Served 200.00 200.00
6 Performance Justice-Impacted Participants Served 200.00 200.00
7 Performance Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment 325.00 325.00
8 Performance Participants Employed 6 Months After Exit 325.00 325.00
9 Performance Participants Employed 12 Months After Exit 325.00 325.00
10 Performance Participants Entering or Continuing Post-Secondary Education or Advanced Training at Exit 500.00 500.00

Goal Description Our intended results include increasing the number of foster youth, youth experiencing homelessness, LGBTQ+ youth, and justice-impacted youth who continue to education or vocational training collected at exit.

Objective Description The program will measure the percentage of participants that entered education or vocational training.

Activity Description
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Participants Entering or Continuing Post-Secondary Education or Advanced Training at Exit 800.00 800.00

Outcome Description Increased entrance to vocational training or post-secondary education and increased occupational trajectories throughout adulthood.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Percentage of Participants that Entered Education or Vocational Training.

Goal Description Participants will be placed at a high-growth or a post-Covid emerging sector worksite to obtain work experience. The program will include a weekly scheduled Development Day, in addition to the ongoing mentoring.

Objective Description Provide participants with ongoing mentoring and Development Days to receive career guidance, establish a peer-support networks, and personal development to encourage program completion and support participants in obtaining unsubsidized employment.

Activity Description
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment 480.00 480.00

Outcome Description Increased exposure to a diversity of career pathways that offer family sustaining wages through priority youth in LA County obtaining unsubsidized employment.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Percent Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment 480.00 480.00