Building a Better Connection for Older Adults


County Spending Category
1.4 Digital Divide
Federal Expenditure Category
Household Assistance: Internet Access Programs
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Households Served
  • Number of participants outreached to
  • number of partners outreached to
  • Develop apple operating system-specific training course.
  • Number of flyers distributed
  • Enroll participants in technology literacy training
  • Enroll participants in technology literacy training
  • Number of participants that complete training
  • Number of participants that complete training
  • Provide participant with iPad and data plan
  • Provide participant with iPad and data plan
  • Procure iPad and data plan
  • Procure iPad and data plan
  • Conduct pre-training survey
  • Conduct post-training survey
  • % increase in reported basic device literacy capabilities
  • % increase in internet connectivitiy
  • Procure iPad and data plan
  • Provide needed upgrades to existing computer labs

Target Populations

  • People with Disabilities
  • Older Adults

Project Description

The Building a Better Connection for Older Adults Project plans to provide 250 older adults and individuals with disabilities with computer and digital literacy skills to combat the increased loneliness, lack of access to healthcare services and lack of social connections that arose during the COVID-19 Pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, older adults and individuals with disabilities faced increased loneliness and social isolation as strict lockdown measures and social distancing guidelines were implemented to curb the spread of the virus. Many of them were unable to connect with their loved ones, friends, and support networks due to fear of infection or limited access to technology and digital platforms. Additionally, these populations encountered significant barriers in accessing essential healthcare services, as hospitals and healthcare facilities were overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases and had to prioritize urgent medical needs. The lack of access to healthcare resources further exacerbated their vulnerability to the virus and other health conditions. The pandemic also highlighted the digital divide, where many older adults and individuals with disabilities lacked the necessary computer and digital literacy skills to navigate technology effectively. This lack of knowledge barred them from participating in virtual social interactions, accessing telemedicine services, and engaging in various online activities that became essential for staying connected and receiving healthcare support during the pandemic. The Project will deliver training at County-operated Community and Senior Centers through youth-led training sessions that will allow the elderly and disabled populations to regain access to social interactions, healthcare, and other activities barred to them due to lack of knowledge on technology.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description By December 2024, we will Increase access to and literacy of technology for at least 450 older adults and individuals with disabilities by providing them with an eight-week computer literacry course, iPad, and a two year data plan thereby increasing the County's access to telemedicine, social media, and general applications and also assist in alleviating COVID-19's impact on the digitial divide.

Objective Description Provide technological and connectivity access to 450 older adults and individuals with disabilities by December 2024.

Activity Description Develop age-friendly computer training programs at our Community and Senior Centers Computer/Digital Labs specific to the apple operating system.
# Type Name Baseline Target
26 Performance Develop apple operating system-specific training course. 1.00

Activity Description Conduct outreach to identify and enroll at least 500 participants into the technology literacy course, including canvassing established Community Center participants, outreach to CBOs, and flyers.
# Type Name Baseline Target
22 Performance Number of participants outreached to 500.00
24 Service Delivery number of partners outreached to 5.00
27 Performance Number of flyers distributed 1000.00

Activity Description Provide computer literacy training to participants.
# Type Name Baseline Target
28 Service Delivery Enroll participants in technology literacy training 250.00
29 Service Delivery Enroll participants in technology literacy training 200.00
30 Service Delivery Number of participants that complete training 250.00
31 Service Delivery Number of participants that complete training 200.00

Activity Description Provide those that complete technology literacy training with iPad and two year data plan.
# Type Name Baseline Target
4 Service Delivery Procure iPad and data plan 310.00
5 Service Delivery Procure iPad and data plan 200.00
34 Service Delivery Provide participant with iPad and data plan 310.00
35 Service Delivery Provide participant with iPad and data plan 200.00

Activity Description Enhancement of existing computer labs through new iPads and other technology and upgrades as needed.
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Service Delivery Procure iPad and data plan 60.00
3 Service Delivery Provide needed upgrades to existing computer labs 5.00

Outcome Description Participants will report an increase in technological literacy and comforability in using the iPad to access telemedicine, social media, and general applications.
# Type Name Baseline Target
6 Service Delivery Conduct pre-training survey 450.00
7 Service Delivery Conduct post-training survey 450.00
8 Program Outcome % increase in reported basic device literacy capabilities 100.00
9 Program Outcome % increase in internet connectivitiy 100.00