Conversion of Interim Housing Units to Permanent Housing (PHK 1.0)

CEO - Homeless Initiative

County Spending Category
1.1 Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness
Federal Expenditure Category
Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Affordable Housing Units Preserved or Developed
  • Beginning Construction
  • 20% Construction Complete
  • 50% Construction Complete
  • 75% Construction Complete
  • Construction Complete
  • 100% Lease Up
  • Number of PEH Served
  • Percent retaining housing after 12 months

Target Populations

  • People Experiencing Homelessness

Project Description

As a part of the State of California’s Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD’s) Project Homekey (PHK) Round 1 Program, the County of Los Angeles applied for funding to acquire properties that will be used as permanent supportive housing (PSH) for people experiencing homelessness (PEH). On September 29, 2020, and October 13, 2020, the Board of Supervisors authorized the acquisition of ten (10) motels/hotel sites for rehabilitation and conversion into PSH for PEH or at high risk of experiencing homelessness. The County utilized the Cares Act funding grant for the acquisition and County provided for the local match required for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and operation of these properties. The nine (9) properties will provide housing for the most vulnerable residents of the County of Los Angeles, all of whom have been impacted by COVID-19. With the onset of the pandemic, the number of deaths among PEH in the County increased, going from 1,271 deaths pre-pandemic (March 31, 2019-April 1, 2020) to 1,988 deaths (April 1, 2020-March 31, 2021). While COVID-19 became the third leading cause of death among PEH in the post-pandemic onset year, the overall increase was driven to an equal or more considerable degree by increases in overdoses, homicide, congenital heart disease, and traffic injury deaths. Evidence shows the COVID-19 pandemic may have exacerbated stressors already present in the lives of PEH, leading to increases in other causes of death, even as we redoubled our COVID-19 prevention efforts in this population. The PHK Round 1 Program will help reduce these stressors and create more stability for PEH, increasing their ability to secure safe housing and comprehensive supportive services to stabilize and maintain their housing.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description The Project’s key outcome goal is to: Create more than 600 units of permanent supportive housing for People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH) or at high risk of experiencing homelessness, and who are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to their significantly higher levels of vulnerability to the virus, as well as the economic instability they face on an ongoing basis.

Objective Description Objective 1: Identify 20 qualified entities to own, renovate, and operate the Homekey 1 sites by 12/31/2022. These entities will be responsible for converting the properties from interim housing to permanent housing.

Activity Description Provide solicitation for qualified entities to apply.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Number of Applicants 10.00 20.00

Activity Description Work in partnership with DPW, LACDA, Consultants (Lesar) in order to evaluate all applications submitted.

Objective Description Objective 2: Obtain Board and state approval to transfer properties to selected entities and Board approval to enter into funding agreements to support the renovation process by 12/31/2022.

Activity Description Obtain BOS authorization to transfer properties to qualified developers selected through a competitive solicitation process.

Activity Description Obtain State HCD approval to transfer properties by submitting all required documentation on each developer.

Activity Description Enter into funding agreements with each property developer. Enter into lease and or purchase and sale agreements depending upon the type of transfer occurring during the construction phase of the project being in either incorporated or unincorporated areas of the County.

Objective Description Objective 3: With support from DPW, oversee the construction process of 9 projects to ensure that developers are completing the projects on time and on budget with 100% construction completion by 12/31/2024.

Activity Description Weekly check-in monitoring and tracking calls with DPW project managers. DPW project managers also conduct site visits and regularly track the progress of each construction project. DPW subject matter experts continue to track expenditures.

Objective Description Objective 4: Partner with 10 developers and Board offices to engage communities surrounding the Homekey 1 sites by 6/1/2023

Activity Description Developers will engage with the respective board office and engage with other stakeholders prior to starting construction on the project. Additionally, developer will conduct community engagement activities at the completion of the project prior to tenant occupancy.

Objective Description Objective 5: Collaborate with 10 developers, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, the Department of Health Services, and the LA County Community Development Authority to lease up the properties, ensure that contracts for intensive case management services are executed, and project-based vouchers are contracted for all sites by 12/31/2024

Activity Description Work with selected providers to implement agreements with the ICMS provider (DHS)

Outcome Description Construction of PSH (from IH)
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Construction Progress 0.00 9.00
3 Program Outcome Beginning Construction 0.00 9.00
4 Program Outcome 20% Construction Complete 0.00 9.00
5 Program Outcome 50% Construction Complete 0.00 9.00
6 Program Outcome 75% Construction Complete 0.00 9.00
7 Program Outcome Construction Complete 0.00 9.00

Outcome Description Provide supportive services to clients housed in PSH.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery Number of PEH Served
2 Service Delivery Number of PEH Served 0.00 590.00
3 Service Delivery Percent retaining housing after 12 months 0.00 90.00

Outcome Description Lease us and occupy PSH
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Program Outcome 100% Lease Up 0.00 9.00