Permanent Supportive Housing Through New Modular and Prefabrication Construction - Rancho Los Amigos Interim Housing

CEO Capital Projects

County Spending Category
1.1 Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness
Federal Expenditure Category
Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Written Languages
  • Spanish

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Households Receiving Eviction Prevention Services (Including Legal Representation)
  • Number of Affordable Housing Units Preserved or Developed
  • Complete construction work at the site
  • Review and provide assurance that all project components are completed.
  • The building is available for DHS use
  • Number of beds
  • Review and provide assurance that the project complies with the Local Targeted Hire Policy

Target Populations

  • People with Disabilities
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • Individuals Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
  • People Experiencing Homelessness

Project Description

The economic pressures of the pandemic not only increased housing insecurity in numerous communities, but also presented significant dangers to the unhoused. While historically at risk, PEH have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. They are less able to reduce their risk of infection through simple practices available to the larger community, due to difficulties accessing running water for hand washing, maintaining social distancing, procuring protective gear, etc. In May 2022, the County reported over 18,500 cumulative cases of COVID-19 among PEH. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of deaths among PEH in LA County increased from 1,271 deaths in the year leading up to the pandemic (March 31, 2019-April 1, 2020) to 1,988 deaths during the first year of the pandemic (April 1, 2020-March 31, 2021). While COVID-19 became the third leading cause of death during this increase – increases in overdoses, homicide, congenital heart disease, and traffic injury deaths were also observed – the pandemic likely exacerbated stressors already present in the lives of PEH, leading to increases in other causes of death. This project converts Rancho Los Amigos Building 601/602 at the Rancho Los Amigos North Campus to an 80-bed interim housing facility for people experiencing homelessness (PEH). Seventy-five percent of the targeted population will be clients with mobility issues or other physical disabilities who do not have a place to reside upon discharge from the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. This collaboration between the County’s Asset Management Branch and Department of Health Services (DHS) will serve some of the most vulnerable residents of Los Angeles County. Located in Supervisorial District 4, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center focuses on treating patients recovering from severe illnesses and/or lengthy stays in intensive care units. As such, the facility has played a pivotal role in helping Angelenos recover from the long-term effects of COVID-19. The district plans for this interim housing to be a temporary facility, for up to a three-year period, thereby addressing the strain on the existing interim housing supply created by the spike in homelessness stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The concrete structure of approximately 15,000 square feet will be converted to accessible dormitories with 80 beds (a 60/40 split of male/female beds), living space, laundry room, kitchen, various ancillary rooms, fenced courtyard, and administration/program support space to provide full wraparound services for residents. ARP funding helps to address a funding shortfall of $1.4M resulting from rising construction costs.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description By December 2023, enhance the County’s ability to address the COVID-19 increase in homelessness by rehabilitating an existing building to create an 80-bed interim housing facility at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, a key part of the County’s COVID-treatment infrastructure. 75% of the facility’s beds will be targeted to patients exiting the rehabilitation center, with the remainder being filled through the County’s Coordinated Entry System (CES).

Objective Description By December 2023, Los Angeles County homeless population is decreased by adding 80 beds to the County supply of interim housing and providing the supportive services necessary to transition residents out of homelessness.

Activity Description By December 2023, the following will take place: • Procurement of Job Order Contractor (six weeks): execute a work order for Job Order Contractor to deliver construction services for the project o First proposal review (three weeks) o Second proposal review (one week) o Final review and issuance of notice to proceed (two weeks)

Activity Description December 2023, the following activities will take place • Construction (six months): includes all activities that form part of the building and renovation/improvements. o Contract execution with subcontractors (two weeks) o Mobilization and setup (two weeks) o Products submittals and reviews/approval (four weeks) o Prepare building for construction and temporary utilities (two weeks) o Ordering and delivery of HVAC/Lights system (eight weeks) o Roof repairs (one week) o Fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems (eight weeks) o Internal lighting (three weeks) o Baths rooms/shower upgrades (four weeks) o Kitchen rework (one week) o Delivery and installation of HVAC systems (eight weeks) o Internal Finishes: painting, floors (four weeks) o Furnishing by DHS (three weeks) o Exterior improvements (three weeks)
# Type Name Baseline Target
12 Program Outcome Complete construction work at the site 1.00

Goal Description By October 2023, ensure that the construction project adheres to 100% of the County's Local and Targeted Worker Hire requirements.

Objective Description By October 2023, provide employment opportunities particularly for qualified Local and Targeted Workers who face multiple barriers to employment, such as homelessness, former foster youth, and formerly incarcerated individuals.

Activity Description By October 2023, quarterly reports to be submitted to the Board and the Economic Development Policy Committee, and the reports are to be based on empirical data that measures the compliance and the efficacy of the Local Targeted Worker Policy.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Review and provide assurance that the project complies with the Local Targeted Hire Policy 1.00 1.00

Goal Description By 12/31/2023, the project goal for the Rancho Los Amigos 601/602 Interim Housing project was to increase availability of affordable housing options by adding 100 beds to the County Emergency Housing Declaration to reduce homeless deficit.

Objective Description By 12/30/2023, complete a 100-bed homeless interim housing facility that includes a courtyard, TV and Game room exposed to natural light and Wi-Fi.

Activity Description By October 2023, meet the following construction milestones: Construction Start: 10/31/2022 FFE Construction Completion: 7/31/2022 Bldg. Substantial Completion: 08/10/2023 (Certificate of Occupancy) Construction Completion 09/08/2023 Service Start Date: 10/30/2023 Project Accepted: 12/07/2023
# Type Name Baseline Target
14 Program Outcome The building is available for DHS use 1.00
15 Program Outcome Number of beds 80.00

Outcome Description Reduce the number of unhoused individuals with disabilities in the area by providing interim housing and infrastructure for future wraparound services