Ethnic and Hyperlocal Media
County Spending Category
3.2 Hyperlocal and Community-Based Outreach
Federal Expenditure CategoryOther COVID-19 Public Health Expenses (including Communications, Enforcement, Isolation/Quarantine)
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date07/31/2025
Project Contacts
Rosa Citraro
Indicators & Metrics to Date
Number of people reached/impressions on communication campaign.72302579
Number of languages used in communications and outreach.6
Number of website views383647
Number of Media Pick-Ups44
Target Populations
- Small Businesses
- People with Disabilities
- Systems Impacted Individuals
- Systems Involved Individuals
- Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
- Individuals Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
- People Experiencing Homelessness
Project Description
This program will be helping to amplify messaging around County pandemic recovery, ARPA-funded programs that are working to close gaps, reach universal levels of service, and disaggregate progress by race, ethnicity and other equity dimensions. We intend to do this by utilizing our strategic communications tools and engaging with ethnic and hyperlocal media outlets to reach hard hit communities. We'll also be focusing on reaching non-English speaking communities to ensure they are receiving information on these programs in the language that they speak. Materials will be translated into all 14 threshold languages identified by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office.
Goals & Objectives
Goal Description
Our services will be available to all programs in need of additional promotional support. Our goal will be to help departments reach their key program goals/targets as identified in individual program designs approved by ARDI.