Job Programs for Reentry Populations - Fire Camp Expansion
1.3 Care First, Jails Last
Federal Expenditure CategoryAssistance to Unemployed or Undermployed Workers (e.g. job training, subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Anticipated End Date12/31/2026
Project Contacts
Yelena Skiba
Elizabeth Gomez
Indicators & Metrics to Date
Number of lead local community-based organizations engaged in recruitment.0
Engage County partners such as Probation, DCFS, and Parole to identify potential participants.0
Execute contract with a service provider who will manage applications and enrollment of participants0
Execute contract with service providers who will provide residential and participant supportive services at the site.0
Fire fighter training curriculum developed.0
Number of participants enrolled in fire fighter training program.0
Number of units of available housing at Camp Gonzales.0
Number of participants that secure interim or permanent housing by the end of the training program.0
Number of jobs secured within a year of completing the program.0
Target Populations
- Systems Impacted Individuals
- Systems Involved Individuals
- Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
- Individuals Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
- People Experiencing Homelessness
- TAY exiting the foster care system
Project Description
The Los Angeles Training Center (LATC) is focused on providing training and hands-on work experience for transition aged youth with prior justice and/or foster system involvement, and veterans. The LATC will provide youth and veterans with housing, training, education, career counseling, as well as other needed services with the assistance of County Departments and community-based providers. This project will position participants for employment in the fire service. The program identifies and outreaches to youth who are interested in working in the fire service. Prior to pandemic, the CDCR supported in-custody fire training camp programs at various locations throughout the State. During the pandemic, the State moved to release as many incarcerated people as possible from the prisons. This reduced the number of eligible participants for the in-custody fire camps. This did not reduce the number of people with justice system involvement who are interested in this career path, but it meant that they did not have the opportunity to experience the training and work while incarcerated. Without these services and training, post-release reentry populations who are highly vulnerable and subject to economic downturns, no longer have access to employment opportunities are more likely to experience homelessness, to recidivate, and to face the negative health consequences of a COVID infection. Similarly, the program seeks to serve youth who are exiting the foster system, and veterans. The pandemic made the impact of losing important support and resources even more serious for this population. Linking this population to housing, career training, and other services will help to reduce the negative impact of the pandemic. According to, youth 16 to 27 in lower-income families remained more likely to be unemployed in greater numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic than other youth in their same age category. Moreover, up to 56% of low-income youth between 18-24 experienced a loss of employment income within their household during the COVID-19 pandemic, further widening those barriers. In addition, Los Angeles County is home to approximately 232,000 veterans, and JIVs face unique challenges that differentiate them from their civilian counterparts, including higher rates of trauma, mental health challenges, and substance use disorders. These issues, intensified by involvement with the justice system, place Justice Involved Veterans (JIVs) at an increased risk for homelessness and suicide. The LACTC will provide a pathway for these youth to transition into adulthood. This project serves a bridge to address the negative economic impacts of the pandemic and ensure that populations most in need are able to recover equitably.
Goals & Objectives
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
15 | Performance | Number of lead local community-based organizations engaged in recruitment. | 3.00 | |
16 | Performance | Engage County partners such as Probation, DCFS, and Parole to identify potential participants. | 1.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
17 | Performance | Execute contract with a service provider who will manage applications and enrollment of participants | 0.00 | 1.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
18 | Performance | Execute contract with service providers who will provide residential and participant supportive services at the site. | 0.00 | 1.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
19 | Program Outcome | Fire fighter training curriculum developed. | 1.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
20 | Service Delivery | Number of participants enrolled in fire fighter training program. | 120.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
1 | Performance | Number of jobs secured within a year of completing the program. | 30.00 | |
2 | Program Outcome | Number of participants that secure interim or permanent housing by the end of the training program. | 100.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
21 | Service Delivery | Number of units of available housing at Camp Gonzales. | 60.00 |
# | Type | Name | Baseline | Target |
21 | Service Delivery | Number of units of available housing at Camp Gonzales. | 60.00 |