Community Food Resource Grants


County Spending Category
1.6 Direct Community Investments
Federal Expenditure Category
Household Assistance: Food Programs
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Households Served
  • CBO engagement
  • Number of Grants Provided
  • Number of packages of food or related supplies distributed
  • Number of packages of food or related supplies distributed
  • CBO engagement
  • CBO engagement
  • Number of Grants Provided
  • Number of Grants Provided

Target Populations

  • Public agencies (e.g., schools) within communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic

Project Description

Under the leadership of the Chief Sustainability Office, The LA County Food Equity Roundtable’s (LACFER) Food Equity Fund will support initiatives to alleviate food and nutrition insecurity and create a more sustainable and resilient food system. The funds will be released to organizations who have been impacted by the pandemic through a competitive grant program administered by Community Partners. Visit for more information.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description Through a TPA, increase the capacity of community organizations that offer food-related services in or to communities where there is a high risk of food insecurity by providing technical assistance and funding.

Objective Description A Third Party Administrator will offer grantees technical assistance and manage the application, grant disbursement, and reporting processes.

Activity Description By April 2023, CSO will execute a contract with a Third Party Administrator

Activity Description By September 2023, the TPA will design an equitable grant application process, including technical assistance for applicants, and begin accepting applications

Activity Description By March 2024, the TPA will begin offering technical assistance to grantees on reporting

Activity Description Throughout the duration of the TPA contract, the TPA will submit monthly invoices and tracking reports

Objective Description By August 2024, the TPA will disburse funding to at least 60 community organizations providing food-related services in or to target communities.

Activity Description Provide approximately 60% of the grant money to at least 30 organizations that are strengthening food supply chain infrastructure and services.

Activity Description Provide approximately 25% grant money to at least 21 organizations that are promoting nutrition and healthy food consumption among priority populations.

Activity Description Provide approximately 10% of the grant money to at least 9 organizations that are promoting enrollment of priority populations in safety net programs such as CalFRESH, WIC, and National school lunch programs.

Outcome Description At least 60 CBOs will receive and engage in technical assistance activities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome CBO engagement 0.00 18.00
1 Program Outcome CBO engagement 18.00
1 Program Outcome CBO engagement 24.00

Outcome Description At least 60 organizations will receive funding to increase their capacity.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Number of Grants Provided 0.00 18.00
1 Program Outcome Number of Grants Provided 18.00
1 Number of Grants Provided 0.00 0.00

Goal Description The TPA will subcontract with organizations providing food and related household necessities such as diapers to households at risk of food insecurity and reimburse those organizations for the associated supplies and services.

Objective Description The TPA will develop and manage an equitable food and supply distribution program, identifying and providing funding to at least 10 organizations for equitable distribution.

Activity Description By February of 2024, the TPA will develop and execute an application process to select at least 10 CBOs to receive funding for offering groceries, meals, or related necessities to households at risk of food insecurity.

Activity Description By March of 2024, the TPA will develop subcontracts that encumber approximately 5% of the grant money to at least 10 organizations to offer groceries, meals, or related necessities to households at risk of food insecurity.

Activity Description The TPA will reimburse the subcontracted organizations for the supplies and services they provide before end of 2025.

Outcome Description In total across the 10 subcontractors, at least 10,000 packages of food or related household necessities are distributed to households at risk of food insecurity.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery Number of packages of food or related supplies distributed 0.00 5000.00
1 Service Delivery Number of packages of food or related supplies distributed 5000.00