Capacity Building for Immigrant-Focused CBOs


County Spending Category
1.6 Direct Community Investments
Federal Expenditure Category
Economic Impact Assistance: Other
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Interpretation Languages
  • Armenian
  • Cambodian (Khmer)
  • Farsi
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog/Filipino
  • Thai
  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese
  • Vietnamese
  • Arabic
  • Hindi

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Grants Provided
  • Number of strategic plans or initiatives launched
  • Number of Applicants
  • Number of grantees involved in existing strategic partnerships / collaborations
  • Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
  • New ethnicities served
  • Number of Applicants
  • Number of Grants Provided
  • Number of strategic plans or initiatives launched
  • Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
  • Number of grantees involved in existing strategic partnerships / collaborations
  • New Languages Served
  • % increase in number of immigrants served
  • Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
  • Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
  • Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
  • Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
  • Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
  • Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
  • New Languages Served N/A
  • New ethnicities served N/A
  • (Mobile Team) % increase in number of immigrants served
  • (Mobile Team) Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
  • (Mobile Team) New ethnicities served
  • (Mobile Team) Number of Applicants
  • (Mobile Team) New Languages Served
  • (Mobile Team) Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
  • (Mobile Team) Number of Grants Provided
  • (Mobile Team) Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
  • (Mobile Team) Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
  • (2.1) New ethnicities served
  • (2.1) Number of Applicants
  • (2.1) New Languages Served
  • (2.1) Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
  • (2.1) Number of Grants Provided
  • (2.1) Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
  • (2.1) Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
  • (2.1) % increase in number of immigrants served
  • (2.1) Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
  • % increase in number of immigrants served N/A

Target Populations

  • Small Businesses
  • People with Disabilities
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • Immigrants

Project Description

This project focuses on direct investments in community organizations serving immigrants as a Non-Geographically Concentrated population disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two-year capacity-building grants will be implemented by the Office of Immigrant Affairs through a lead contractor that will provide tailored training, technical assistance and grants administration. Grants will support immigrant-focused CBOs in strengthening staffing, communications and other critical organizational systems that have been overwhelmed by demands for culturally and linguistically-responsive support to access County services and programs during the pandemic. $5 million has been allocated for this project, including a percentage dedicated to administrative and staffing costs to ensure the successful implementation of this project.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description Increase the capacity of at least 20 immigrant-serving CBOs to engage immigrants in enrollment and service navigation through December 29, 2025.

Objective Description Grants of up to $150,000 will be awarded to individual organizations, with CBOs identifying themselves as working in collaboratives being weighted more in the selection process

Activity Description Conducting focused outreach to organizations serving priority immigrant communities and supporting 120 CBOs in successfully submitting grant applications for consideration by June 30, 2023
# Type Name Baseline Target
10 Performance (2.1) Number of Applicants
14 Performance (Mobile Team) Number of Applicants
72 Performance Number of Applicants 84.00 50.00
80 Performance Number of Applicants 45.00 70.00

Activity Description Using an equity-focused rubric to award grants to immigrant-serving CBOs
# Type Name Baseline Target
7 Performance (2.1) Number of Grants Provided
19 Performance (Mobile Team) Number of Grants Provided
70 Performance Number of Grants Provided 10.00 10.00
81 Performance Number of Grants Provided 16.00 16.00

Activity Description Connecting grantees with a pool of consultants, coaches and technical assistance providers who can help them develop their capacity-building strategies; implementing those strategies and tracking changes in immigrant communities served
# Type Name Baseline Target
5 Performance (2.1) Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
6 Performance (2.1) Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
21 Performance (Mobile Team) Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory)
23 Performance (Mobile Team) Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory)
43 Performance Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory) 0.00 6.00
44 Performance Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory) 16.00 16.00
45 Performance Total hours tailored coaching/TA completed to individual grantees (Beyond Mandatory) 10.00 10.00
46 Performance Number of hours of training / technical assistance (Mandatory) 0.00 6.00

Activity Description 10/8/24 Update: Refining and Merging Metrics We have decided to streamline our metrics by removing outdated or redundant ones. Specifically: "Number of Strategic Plans or Initiatives Launched": We are eliminating this metric because it consistently results in 100% compliance and does not provide meaningful insight into program impact. Consolidating it into the "Increased Number of Established Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations" metric offers more valuable tracking. Interviewing individual grantees, as well as facilitating cohort convenings, to help grantees to reflect on their projects and to surface key learnings and insights that will be helpful to the entire immigration services field; compiling evaluation highlights into a comprehensive impact report
# Type Name Baseline Target
71 Program Outcome Number of strategic plans or initiatives launched 10.00
75 Performance Number of strategic plans or initiatives launched 16.00

Outcome Description Provide capacity-building grants to immigrant-serving CBOs who help immigrants to enroll in social safety net services NOTE: This metric will be reported on a quarterly basis. Given the nature of a capacity-building program, results are often gradual and may not be fully measurable within a single month. Monthly reporting has led to less accurate data, as reports are submitted prematurely. Quarterly reporting provides a longer timeframe to capture meaningful progress and outcomes, ensuring that data aligns better with the program's long-term goals and activities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
27 Performance (Mobile Team) % increase in number of immigrants served
50 Performance % increase in number of immigrants served

Goal Description Expand the number and types (ethnic, linguistic, geographic) of immigrant communities served throughout LA County particularly in the following geographies: * San Fernando Valley (SPA2; SD5) * San Gabriel Valley (SPA3; SD1): Home to largest number of LEP persons * Metro L.A. (SPA4; SD 1,2 and 3): Highest rate of Limited English Proficiency * South LA. (SPA6; SD2) * East L.A. (SPA7; SD1)

Objective Description Immigrant-focused CBOs will prioritize to serve up to 26 zip codes identified by the ARDI Equity Explorer tool with the highest concentration of foreign-born populations in the grantee selection process by December 31, 2023

Activity Description Using an equity-focused rubric to award grants to immigrant-serving CBOs NOTE: This metric will not change. Although tracking the zip code metric results in 100% compliance, as all grantees are consistently serving at least one high-need zip code, it remains necessary for measuring geographic equity. The CEO requires this geographic data to ensure equitable service distribution. Therefore, we will continue tracking this metric, with targets set at 10 grantees for Cohort A (Tranche One) and 21 grantees (originally 16 grantees) for Cohort B (Tranche Two) throughout the reporting period.
# Type Name Baseline Target
8 Service Delivery (2.1) Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
17 Service Delivery (Mobile Team) Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes
58 Service Delivery Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes 10.00
76 Performance Number of grantees serving highest need zip codes 16.00 16.00

Objective Description 12 immigrant-focused CBOs which provide languages that are not considered threshold by the County Department of Public Health December 31, 2023

Activity Description Using an equity-focused rubric to award grants to immigrant-serving CBOs

Outcome Description Serving more and different types of immigrants. Grantees will report on changes in ethnicities, languages, and geographies served NOTE: This metric will be reported on a quarterly basis. Given the nature of a capacity-building program, results are often gradual and may not be fully measurable within a single month. Monthly reporting has led to less accurate data, as reports are submitted prematurely. Quarterly reporting provides a longer timeframe to capture meaningful progress and outcomes, ensuring that data aligns better with the program's long-term goals and activities
# Type Name Baseline Target
9 Service Delivery (2.1) New Languages Served
15 Service Delivery (Mobile Team) New Languages Served
38 Service Delivery New Languages Served N/A 120.00 6.00
49 Service Delivery New Languages Served 300.00 6.00

Goal Description Increased partnerships and participation in at 6 grantee cohorts resulting in stronger collaboration among immigrant CBOs and between CBOs and the County

Objective Description Amplifying the impact of grant dollars by prioritizing for selection grantees that indicate active participation in existing strategic partnerships or collaborations by December 31, 2024

Activity Description 10/8/24 Update: Refining and Merging Metrics We have decided to streamline our metrics by removing outdated or redundant ones. Specifically: Number of Grantees Involved in Existing Strategic Partnerships/Collaborations" This metric is being removed because it also consistently reaches 100% compliance without adding value. It has been merged into a broader metric, "Increased Number of Established Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations with Immigrant-Focused CBOs," which will be tracked quarterly to better reflect growth and outcomes. Using an equity-focused rubric to award grants to immigrant-serving CBOs
# Type Name Baseline Target
57 Program Outcome Number of grantees involved in existing strategic partnerships / collaborations 3.00
78 Program Outcome Number of grantees involved in existing strategic partnerships / collaborations 3.00

Outcome Description Greater collaboration between the County and CBOs. This will be measured by the frequency of interactions between individual CBOs and OIA, as well as the number of formal partnerships and collaborations in which OIA is participating with immigrant-serving CBOs. NOTE: This metric will be reported on a quarterly basis. Given the nature of a capacity-building program, results are often gradual and may not be fully measurable within a single month. Monthly reporting has led to less accurate data, as reports are submitted prematurely. Quarterly reporting provides a longer timeframe to capture meaningful progress and outcomes, ensuring that data aligns better with the program's long-term goals and activities
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Program Outcome (2.1) Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
29 Program Outcome (Mobile Team) Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
40 Program Outcome Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs
42 Program Outcome Increased # of established strategic partnerships and collaborations involved immigrant-focused CBOs 0.00 3.00