Landlord-Tenant Mediations


County Spending Category
2.4 Stable Housing
Federal Expenditure Category
Household Assistance: Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Aid
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Interpretation Languages
  • Spanish
  • Korean
Written Languages
  • Spanish
  • Korean

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Total Funds Awarded to DROs
  • Number of DRO's Funded
  • Number of people who used or participated in mediation services
  • Number of Mediations Resolved
  • Number of Cases with at Least One party in High/Highest Needs
  • % report successful mediation
  • % reporting good or excellent agreement fairness

Target Populations

  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • Mediations involve at least two disputants. The program will serve at least one party per mediation in highest and high need census tracts as identified in the COVID Recovery Index in the ARDI Equity Explorer Tool.

Project Description

The COVID-19 pandemic devastated and continues to impact communities across the County of Los Angeles County (County). While the pandemic has impacted every County resident one way or another, certain communities have been disproportionally impacted. This includes low-income people; Latino, Black, Indigenous, Native American, and API individuals; English Language Learners; LGBTQ individuals; and people with disabilities. These historically disadvantaged communities are in dire need of assistance to resolve COVID-19 related disputes including, landlord-tenant disputes, credit card bills, payday loans, personal loans, and medical debt. The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) Mediation for Landlord/Tenant and Other COVID-19 Related Disputes project centers around building the capacity of Dispute Resolution Organizations (DROs) to provide free to low-cost mediation services to the unserved and underserved populations listed above, with a particular emphasis on low-income tenants and small landlords. At the onset of COVID and the resulting shut downs, DCBA received an increase in mediation requests to assist in resolving disputes and noticed the types of issues shifted to reflect the impact COVID-19 had on the economy. This program will focus on helping those that live in locations most impacted by the negative effects of COVID-19 with resolving COVID-19 exacerbated issues relating to landlord-tenant disputes and other COVID-19 related disputes, such as credit card bills, payday loans, personal loans, and medical debt. The California Dispute Resolution Programs Act (DRPA) of 1986 funds statewide mediation programs through the collection of fees for certain court filings. In Los Angeles County, DRA funds support nine dispute resolution organizations (DROs) through the Los Angeles County Dispute Resolution Program (DRP). The DCBA oversees the DRP; a proven, well-established, and effective alternative to costly and lengthy court proceedings. This will help County residents and businesses mediate disputes. This ARP funding will infuse DROs with much-needed financial support to provide mediation services to traditionally underserved and disproportionally COVID-19 impacted communities mentioned above. Specifically, this program will mediate 1,148 cases involving landlord-tenant disputes and other COVID-19 related disputes, such as credit card bills, payday loans, personal loans, and medical debt. This project will also fund administrative and staff costs to develop and implement this project, incurred from August 2021 through the conclusion of the project.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description By December 31, 2024, provide access to a mediator for 1,148 residents in order to help stabilize housing and the financial wellbeing of households for historically unserved County residents and to successfully resolve disputes involving County residents that affect their housing or financial wellbeing.

Objective Description Conduct 1,148 mediations with at least 70% involving participants from a highest or high needs census tract by December 31, 2024

Activity Description Overseeing the mediation of COVID-19 related disputes of 1) landlord-tenant disputes that are not undergoing formal unlawful detainer proceedings and involve rents, utilities, security deposits, roommates, and neighbors or 2) other COVID-19-exacerbated disputes, including family conflicts, credit card bills, payday loans, personal loans, and medical debt
# Type Name Baseline Target
5 Service Delivery Number of people who used or participated in mediation services 2000.00
6 Service Delivery Number of Mediations Resolved 1148.00

Outcome Description Resolve a total of 1,148 mediations, of which 804 mediations include at least one participant from high needs census tracts
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Program Outcome Number of Cases with at Least One party in High/Highest Needs 804.00
6 Service Delivery Number of Mediations Resolved 1148.00

Goal Description By December 31, 2024, increase the capacity of up to 3 community-serving DROs, in addition to DCBA, to provide effective mediation services to historically unserved and/or underserved County residents.

Objective Description Provide to 3 local well-established DROs and DCBA with additional funding to meet the demand for tenant-landlord and other mediation services created by the COVID-19 pandemic by December 31, 2024

Activity Description Conduct monthly monitoring of performance of the three DROs and DCBA to capture the number of people who used or participated in mediation services, count of types of mediation services requested, and the demographic information for the qualifying participant.
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Program Outcome Number of Cases with at Least One party in High/Highest Needs 804.00
5 Service Delivery Number of people who used or participated in mediation services 2000.00
6 Service Delivery Number of Mediations Resolved 1148.00

Activity Description Evaluate metrics and project outcomes reported by the DROs
# Type Name Baseline Target
6 Service Delivery Number of Mediations Resolved 1148.00

Activity Description Develop and execute up three contract amendments for DROs, not including DCBA's own internal program.
# Type Name Baseline Target
4 Performance Number of DRO's Funded 3.00

Activity Description Distribute funds to DRO's
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Performance Total Funds Awarded to DROs 250000.00

Outcome Description Conduct successful mediations that lead to fulfilled agreements.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome % report successful mediation 70.00
1 Program Outcome % reporting good or excellent agreement fairness 70.00