Safe Parking

CEO - Homeless Initiative

County Spending Category
1.1 Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness
Federal Expenditure Category
Housing Support: Other Housing Assistance
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of clients exiting to interim or permanent housing

Target Populations

  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • People Experiencing Vehicular Homelessness

Project Description

Throughout Los Angeles County, the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been more significant for disadvantaged populations such as people experiencing homelessness (PEH) or individuals at risk of becoming homeless. COVID-19 has heightened a housing crisis already exacerbated by compounding factors such as rising housing costs, inflation and wage stagnation that increase the risk of eviction or foreclosure, leading to homelessness or making it more difficult to secure stable housing to exit homelessness. Health conditions and inadequate access to health care make PEH especially vulnerable to COVID-19. This vulnerability has further been heightened by the widespread curtailing of essential services for PEH during the pandemic. As a result of the negative economic impacts of COVID-19, many vulnerable individuals and families have resorted to living in their vehicles due to a lack of income, affordable housing, or both. These vehicle dwellers are often unaware of safe places to rest at night. They often lack access to the homeless services delivery system or connection to supportive services that could help lift them and their families out of homelessness. For people who experience homelessness and own vehicles, some individuals feel more comfortable or safer in their vehicles instead of living in a congregate shelter setting. Further, there is insufficient capacity to house all PEH. Safe Parking program is one of LA County's strategies to provide a safe environment where PEH can be engaged to begin their pathway to more stable housing. The Safe Parking project (Project) will include new 24-hour Safe Parking sites and an expansion of hours (adding operation of day programming to the existing evening program) at existing Safe Parking locations within high-need communities in Los Angeles County. Currently, most Safe Parking sites operate 12 hours per night. This project will leverage and support 24-hour, seven-days-a week operation offering participants increased access to enhanced on-site services, which include 24-hour security, three meals per day, daily sanitation and hygiene amenities, and onsite housing-focused case management services and linkages to community resources such as employment programs, mental health, and healthcare services.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description By September 2025, provide a safe and stable parking and living environment 24 hours per day for up to 100 unduplicated enrolled households at any point in time and up to 320 unduplicated enrolled households in year one and 160 new unduplicated enrolled households per year thereafter per operating year.

Objective Description Increase the homeless system capacity by extending the existing 12-hours of operation to 24 hours and establishing new 24-hour sites.

Activity Description Execute contracts with service providers to operate Safe Parking sites offering services during evening and/or daytime hours and allow the expanded or new sites to operate 24/7, by the end of the project term.

Activity Description Achieve program occupancy of at least 60% within 6 months of program start date.

Outcome Description Up to 320 unduplicated households will be enrolled in Safe Parking programs by year one and 160 additional new enrollees per year thereafter.

Goal Description By September 2025 provide increased access to supportive services and case management for clients to benefit from public or community-based resources.

Objective Description Provide linkages to public and community-based supportive services.

Activity Description Offer case management services including problem solving conversations to assist participants in resolving their homelessness including assisting participants in accessing public and community-based services.

Activity Description Provide clients with referrals to appropriate public or community-based resources such as medical and behavioral health services, employment programs, and social services.

Outcome Description 50% of participants will exit with at least one form of documentation used for housing (identification, social security, homelessness verification) on file in the Homeless Management Information System.

Goal Description By September 2025, successfully transition 45% of program clients to interim or permanent housing.

Objective Description Support participants in accessing available resources to transition into more stable interim or permanent housing.

Activity Description Conduct at least one case session with each enrolled client per month and document with case notes.

Outcome Description 45% of Safe Parking clients will exit to interim or permanent housing.