ODR Interim Housing Beds


County Spending Category
1.3 Care First, Jails Last
Federal Expenditure Category
Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Households Receiving Eviction Prevention Services (Including Legal Representation)
  • Number of Affordable Housing Units Preserved or Developed
  • Extend Existing provider contracts
  • Supportive services for MVP individuals and connection to permanent housing
  • Monthly meetings with Interim Housing Sites on progress reports and updates
  • Monthly site visits (Program and wraparound services)
  • Individuals entering interim housing
  • Enrollment data is reviewed by program staff regularly
  • Assess annual contract for interim housing sites based on risk assessment.
  • % of individuals accessing interim housing and linked to permanent supportive housing

Target Populations

  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • Justice Involved Population

Project Description

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection among vulnerable populations within the jails, the Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) Interim Housing Beds project provides interim housing for ODR clients, often individuals who are experiencing homelessness, have severe mental health or significant physical health needs. This project supports jail decompression efforts and ensures that this population can receive the supportive services needed to prevent recidivism, decrease the likelihood of vulnerable populations being released into homelessness and improve health.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description To reduce homelessness by offering interim housing and supportive services to ODR Clients, individuals who are experiencing homelessness, and populations being released from jail.

Objective Description To prevent the spread of COVID-19, reduce homelessness within LA County, and improve health disparities.

Activity Description Collaborate with the Department of Health Services to extend existing interim housing services contracts, and to work with Community-Based Organizations to open additional affordable housing sites.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Induvials entering interim housing 25.00 100.00
2 Service Delivery Justice-Impacted Participants Served 25.00 100.00
3 Service Delivery Enrollments 25.00 100.00
4 Service Delivery Extend Existing provider contracts 7.00 7.00
5 Performance Supportive services for MVP individuals and connection to permanent housing 300.00 300.00
6 Performance Monthly meetings with Interim Housing Sites on progress reports and updates 6.00 12.00
7 Performance Monthly site visits (Program and wraparound services) 11.00 66.00
8 Performance Individuals entering interim housing 300.00 300.00
9 Service Delivery Enrollment data is reviewed by program staff regularly 12.00 24.00
10 Program Outcome Assess annual contract for interim housing sites based on risk assessment. 7.00 7.00

Outcome Description Reduced the percentage of homelessness by offering interim housing and supportive services to ODR Clients, Individuals who are experiencing homelessness, and populations being released from jail
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome % of individuals accessing interim housing and linked to permanent supportive housing 100.00 100.00