Job Programs for Reentry Populations - SECTOR


County Spending Category
1.3 Care First, Jails Last
Federal Expenditure Category
Assistance to Unemployed or Undermployed Workers (e.g. job training, subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Workers Enrolled in Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of Workers Completing Sectoral Job Training Programs
  • Number of enrolled individuals completing paid work experience or skills training
  • Number of individuals whose wages at program completion are higher than they were at enrollment
  • Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment
  • # of meetings between JCOD program manager and Provider program manager
  • % participants with a Covid-19 Referral service logged.
  • # participants co-enrolled in SECTOR program and Trauma Prevention Initiative
  • # participants enrolled in skills training or paid work experience opportunity
  • # participants receiving mental health services
  • # participants receiving intensive case management services
  • # participants completing CBI group sessions
  • # participants who do not have contact with the justice system and are not involved in incidents of gun violence
  • # of participants
  • # of Restorative Justice trainings held for project staff each year
  • # of Restorative Justice trainings held for project staff each year
  • Number of individuals whose wages at program completion are higher than they were at enrollment
  • Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment
  • # participants receiving mental health services
  • # participants receiving intensive case management services
  • # participants completing CBI group sessions
  • Number of LCSW serving SECTOR Expansion program
  • # participants co-enrolled in SECTOR program and Trauma Prevention Initiative
  • # of meetings between JCOD program manager and Provider program manager
  • # participants who do not have contact with the justice system and are not involved in incidents of gun violence
  • Number of LCSW serving SECTOR Expansion program
  • # of frontline staff serving SECTOR Expansion program full time
  • # of frontline staff serving SECTOR Expansion program full time
  • # of participants enrolled
  • # of participants enrolled
  • # of participants that started paid work experience or skills training
  • # of participants that started paid work experience or skills training
  • # of participants enrolled in CBI training
  • # of participants enrolled in CBI training

Target Populations

  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • Violence-impacted population

Project Description

UPDATED TRANCHE II: The Los Angeles County Justice Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) SECTOR Expansion Project (Project) will provide wraparound, trauma-informed support, skills training and/or paid work experience in Los Angeles’ (LA) high-growth business and/or industry sectors, which offer career pathways with family-sustaining wages for 120 adults who have been involved in gun violence and/or who are impacted by the criminal legal system. The Project’s target population will focus on Compton-area residents who are disproportionately people of color, lower income and systematically more vulnerable to COVID-19. PREVIOUS TRANCHE 1 TEXT: The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services’ (DHS) SECTOR Expansion Project (Project) will provide wraparound, trauma-informed support, skills training and/or paid work experience in Los Angeles’ (LA) high-growth business and/or industry sectors, which offer career pathways with family-sustaining wages for 80-100 adults and opportunity youth who have been involved in gun violence and/or who are justice system-impacted. The Project’s target population will also include Compton-area residents who are disproportionately people of color, lower income and systematically more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description

Objective Description

Activity Description Contracted providers will partner with OVP's Trauma Prevention Initiative to recruit individuals at a high-risk for involvement in gun violence into the program.
# Type Name Baseline Target
15 Performance # participants co-enrolled in SECTOR program and Trauma Prevention Initiative 60.00
28 Performance # participants co-enrolled in SECTOR program and Trauma Prevention Initiative 0.00 60.00

Activity Description
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance # of meetings between JCOD program manager and Provider program manager 0.00 24.00
16 Performance # of meetings between JCOD program manager and Provider program manager 24.00

Objective Description In order to receive in-demand skills and experience, participants will participate in training and PWE to earn credentials.

Activity Description Providers will connect participants to skills training or PWE programs.

Outcome Description A minimum of 84 participants (70% of those enrolled over two years) complete training or PWE to receive industry recognized skills, experience, and credentials.
# Type Name Baseline Target
40 Program Outcome Number of enrolled individuals completing paid work experience or skills training 0.00 42.00

Outcome Description A minimum of 60 participants (50% of those enrolled over two years) who enroll in SECTOR over two years obtain employment after participating in the program.
# Type Name Baseline Target
8 Program Outcome Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment 0.00 30.00
44 Program Outcome Participants Entering Unsubsidized Employment 0.00 30.00

Goal Description Participants receive therapeutic support and trauma-informed care to begin to heal from experiencing trauma related to gun violence involvement.

Objective Description 120 participants will be connected to a range of services they may need, from mental and physical health to other supportive services such as legal assistance, housing, or childcare throughout their duration in the program.

Activity Description
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery Number of LCSW serving SECTOR Expansion program 1.00
13 Service Delivery Number of LCSW serving SECTOR Expansion program 1.00

Activity Description Hire Career Coach and Peer support specialist with lived experience of violence and/or the criminal justice system to provide case management and linkages to housing, substance use disorder and/or other wraparound supportive services.

Outcome Description 108 or 90% of enrolled program participants over two years receive mental health-related services tailored to their needs by program completion, on top of employment-related services. This also includes intensive case management and connection to supportive service such as family reunification, legal services, or housing assistance.
# Type Name Baseline Target
10 Program Outcome # participants receiving mental health services 0.00 54.00
11 Program Outcome # participants receiving intensive case management services 0.00 54.00
20 Program Outcome # participants receiving mental health services 54.00
21 Program Outcome # participants receiving intensive case management services 0.00 54.00

Goal Description Improve public safety in the Compton area and decreasing gun violence and recidivism among 120 participants deemed at risk of involvement in gun violence by the Office of Violence Prevention.

Objective Description 108 participants (90% of all enrolled) participate in CBI to build problem-solving skills and coping skills to heal from trauma, prevent recidivism, and improve employment retention.

Activity Description

Activity Description
# Type Name Baseline Target
4 Service Delivery # of Restorative Justice trainings held for project staff each year 1.00
5 Service Delivery # of Restorative Justice trainings held for project staff each year 1.00

Outcome Description 84 participants (70%) of all enrolled complete all of the recommended sessions of the CBI curriculum.
# Type Name Baseline Target
12 Program Outcome # participants completing CBI group sessions 42.00
18 Program Outcome # participants completing CBI group sessions 42.00

Outcome Description 96 participants (80% of those enrolled) avoid future contact with the justice system and involvement in gun violence (length of follow-up period to measure this still to be determined).
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Program Outcome # participants who do not have contact with the justice system and are not involved in incidents of gun violence 48.00
17 Program Outcome # participants who do not have contact with the justice system and are not involved in incidents of gun violence 48.00