Trauma Prevention Partnerships


County Spending Category
1.6 Direct Community Investments
Federal Expenditure Category
Community Violence Interventions
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Interpretation Languages
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog/Filipino
  • Mandarin
  • ASL
Written Languages
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog/Filipino
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • ASL

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • # of communities receiving Street Outreach intervention and follow-up services.
  • # of communities where law enforcement collaborates in incident response
  • # of communities where parks departments collaborate for safe passages
  • # of clients provided case management services annually.
  • # of CBOs providing culturally relevant Crisis Response services.
  • # of communities receiving crisis response services.
  • # of crisis incidents responded to, by community and by type.
  • % of individuals and families provided service navigation and support
  • # of communities receiving trauma informed healing programs
  • # of CBOs providing trauma informed healing programs to non-geographically concentrated populations
  • # of individuals receiving trauma informed healing programs by population
  • # of CBOs providing youth programming and services by program type
  • # of youth receiving youth development services by program type
  • # and type of partners participating in peer to peer academy planning and referrals
  • # of individuals participating in peer trainings by peer type and training topic annually
  • # of CBOs receiving contracts by 2023
  • # of listening sessions held pre-implementation, and post-implementation
  • # of violent incidents responded to annually.
  • # of crisis incidents responded to, by community and by type.
  • # of youth receiving youth development services by program type
  • # of individuals participating in peer trainings by peer type and training topic annually
  • # of applications funded to address immediate needs.
  • # of individuals receiving trauma informed healing programs by population

Target Populations

  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • Individuals Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
  • Individuals and communities experiencing toxic stress and trauma
  • Native American and Indigenous and Asian American Pacific Islander individuals
  • Youth and Young Adults
  • LGBTQI communities

Project Description

This project will decrease rates of violence by at least 15% in 10 of the 12 communities with the highest rates of violence, and at a faster rate than the County overall by providing direct funding to community-based organizations to address the second-order effects of COVID-19, including increased violence and resulting trauma that disproportionately impacts Black and Brown communities across LA County. The $20M in Trauma Prevention Partnerships project provides grants that invest in community strategies to address the impacts of the pandemic and increased violence in LA County over the past two years. Homicides rose 41% and gun homicides rose 39% in LA County in 2020 compared to 2019 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which reduced social isolation and access to resources for communities already disproportionately impacted by violence. An additional $5M was allocated to Trauma Prevention Partnerships and this funding will be used to increase investment in strategies. We will evaluate spending progress after the first 3-6 months of implementation to determine which strategies need increased investment based on need, or to address key gaps in services - i.e., areas of the county or particular populations impacted by violence as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description Communities disproportionately impacted by violence have culturally relevant resources to prevent and respond to incidents of violence, heal from trauma, and promote peace and well-being. Tranche 2 funding will increase the number of activities or clients served by 25% over the same time period.

Objective Description Street Outreach programs intervene in at least 625 incidents in communities with highest rates of violence to calm tensions, mediate conflict and reduce the potential for retaliatory violence by 2024.

Activity Description Contract with CBOs, including small nonprofits that have experience serving identified target populations, in 10 of 12 communities to implement Street Outreach by June 2023
# Type Name Baseline Target
9 Performance # of communities receiving Street Outreach intervention and follow-up services. 9.00 12.00

Activity Description Street Outreach agencies deploy Community Intervention Workers to respond to incidents of violence.
# Type Name Baseline Target
32 Service Delivery # of violent incidents responded to annually. 0.00 125.00

Activity Description Coordinate with the Department of Parks and Recreation and law enforcement to coordinate Street Outreach incident response and safe passages and refine protocols.
# Type Name Baseline Target
11 Performance # of communities where law enforcement collaborates in incident response 4.00 10.00
55 Performance # of communities where parks departments collaborate for safe passages 4.00 10.00

Objective Description The Crisis Response Pilot Program responds to at least 200 violent/traumatic incidents in communities disproportionately impacted by violence in 2023 and 2024.

Activity Description Contract with a minimum of 2 CBOs to provide Crisis Response services in high need communities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Performance # of CBOs providing culturally relevant Crisis Response services. 0.00 2.00

Activity Description Coordinate with the Department of Mental Health, Law Enforcement, Fire Department, and other partners to align Crisis Response services.

Activity Description CBOs provide crisis response services in 10 of 12 high need communities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
5 Service Delivery # of communities receiving crisis response services. 0.00 10.00

Activity Description Case managers respond to 200 crisis incidents annually
# Type Name Baseline Target
6 Service Delivery # of crisis incidents responded to, by community and by type. 0.00 200.00
34 Service Delivery # of crisis incidents responded to, by community and by type. 0.00 50.00

Activity Description Case managers serve individuals and families most impacted by violence, supporting 90% of individuals to navigate and access services in the aftermath of a crisis incident
# Type Name Baseline Target
7 Service Delivery % of individuals and families provided service navigation and support 0.00 90.00

Objective Description Trauma-informed healing programs are implemented in 10 communities disproportionately impacted by violence annually in 2023 and 2024.

Activity Description Contract with a minimum of 20 CBOs, including a mix of small grants and large contracts to provide trauma informed healing programs.
# Type Name Baseline Target
8 Performance # of communities receiving trauma informed healing programs 0.00 10.00
40 Service Delivery # of individuals receiving trauma informed healing programs by population 0.00 125.00
56 Performance # of CBOs providing trauma informed healing programs to non-geographically concentrated populations 0.00 20.00
57 Service Delivery # of individuals receiving trauma informed healing programs by population 0.00 500.00

Objective Description Administer a community fund that will provide resources to address immediate client needs and fund mental health supports and self-care for peer workers and community members.

Activity Description Coordinate with funded partners in a minimum of 10 priority communities to identify and select applications for emergent need funds.
# Type Name Baseline Target
39 Service Delivery # of applications funded to address immediate needs. 0.00 125.00

Activity Description Contract with at least 1 entity to manage fund for emergent youth, family, and community needs.

Objective Description Hospital Violence Intervention (HVI) programs provide case management for 1000 victims of violence at trauma hospitals in communities with highest rates of violence to link at-risk individuals to services and reduce injury recidivism annually in 2023 and 2024.

Activity Description Contract with CBOs to provide HVIP services in 8 hospitals.

Activity Description Partner with LA County EMS and trauma hospitals to build a shared protocol for Hospital Violence Intervention Program (HVIP) services that connect hospitals to communities.

Activity Description HVIP case managers engage and serve victims of violence in the trauma center.
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Service Delivery # of clients provided case management services annually. 0.00 1000.00

Goal Description Young people of color (15-24), that are most impacted by violence, are supported with resources and opportunities that allow them to thrive and reach their potential. Youth in these communities are civically engaged and have opportunities to participate in meetings and forums where policy and practice decisions are being made that impact their lives, and have reduced contact with violence and the criminal justice system as well as connection to healing resources when exposed to violence. Tranche 2 funding will increase the number of activities or clients served by 25% over the same time period.

Objective Description 1000 youth in communities with highest rates of violence participate in after-school, mentoring, civic engagement, leadership development and/or healing programs in 2023 and 2024.

Activity Description Contracts with a minimum of 20 CBOs, including a mix of small grants and large contracts, to provide youth leadership, healing, civic engagement and peer support programs and services.
# Type Name Baseline Target
41 Performance # of CBOs providing youth programming and services by program type 0.00 20.00

Activity Description Coordinate with a minimum of 4 county partners, including school districts, parks and recreation, and county youth advisory bodies to support youth and expand access to community after school mentoring, civic engagement, and leadership programs.

Activity Description CBOs provide services to youth
# Type Name Baseline Target
35 Service Delivery # of youth receiving youth development services by program type 0.00 250.00
43 Service Delivery # of youth receiving youth development services by program type 0.00 1000.00

Activity Description Street Outreach and HVIP programs provide case management for 250 youth at risk for criminal justice system involvement

Goal Description Individuals with lived experiences (including justice involved and impacted) have access to support services and career pathways. Tranche 2 funding will increase the number of activities or clients served by 25% over the same time period.

Objective Description 500 Individuals with lived experiences participate in peer violence prevention training by 2024.

Activity Description Establish a multidisciplinary panel of a minimum of 20 community experts to guide and co-design the development, implementation, and evaluation of a multi-disciplinary peer-to-peer violence prevention learning academy.

Activity Description Coordinate with a minimum of 4 county partners invested in peer trainings, such as JCOD, DYD, DMH, DPH, DHS, city violence prevention programs, and others, to build peer to peer academy.
# Type Name Baseline Target
46 Performance # and type of partners participating in peer to peer academy planning and referrals 0.00 4.00

Activity Description Plan and implement 8 peer-to-peer training cohorts of 25 participants each annually in 2023 and 2024.
# Type Name Baseline Target
37 Service Delivery # of individuals participating in peer trainings by peer type and training topic annually 0.00 125.00
47 Service Delivery # of individuals participating in peer trainings by peer type and training topic annually 0.00 500.00

Objective Description Trauma-informed healing programs focused on supporting peer providers reach 500 people annually in 2023 and 2024.

Activity Description CBOs provide trauma informed healing programs and services focused on peer providers.

Goal Description Grassroots organizations have increased capacity to implement violence prevention and intervention, crisis response, youth afterschool, leadership, and healing programs, and have a role in informing the TPP project design. Tranche 2 funding will increase the number of activities or clients served by 25% over the same time period.

Objective Description Grassroots organizations are aware of the TPP Initiative and funding opportunities.

Activity Description Identify a minimum of 20 stakeholder networks in communities with high rates of violence to promote funding opportunities and funded services.

Objective Description A minimum of 250 grassroots CBOs across the county participate in TPP listening sessions and peer learning opportunities to inform project design and develop program and systems recommendations.

Activity Description Convene semi-annual peer learning opportunities for contracted agencies to share best practices, solve challenges, discuss new and innovative ideas, and make recommendations for the sustainability of TPP project strategies.

Objective Description Up to 50 community-based organizations serving communities most impacted by violence are awarded contracts or grants by 2023.

Activity Description Release funding opportunities.
# Type Name Baseline Target
52 Performance # of CBOs receiving contracts by 2023 0.00 50.00

Activity Description Develop efficient and equitable processes for increasing access to contracting opportunities for small and medium-sized grassroots organizations, provide flexible funding for community members to address urgent needs, and build career pathways for peer specialists.

Goal Description LA County has an action plan for building and sustaining a more holistic, community-driven approach to violence prevention and public safety that is informed by community members and those with lived experience. Tranche 2 funding will increase the number of activities or clients served by 25% over the same time period.

Objective Description A plan is developed that includes recommendations for LA County to build and sustain a holistic, healing, informed, community-driven approach to violence prevention and public safety by 2024.

Activity Description Develop protocols and mechanisms to improve coordination among multi-sector partners, including parks, schools, libraries, hospitals, law enforcement, intervention agencies, community networks, and others to promote safety and a culture of peace.

Activity Description Engage a minimum of 5 advocacy groups (i.e., Native American Commission, LGBTQI advocacy groups, Domestic Violence Council, Suicide Prevention Network, Commission on Human Relations) to identify best proxy data indicators to identify other non-geographic populations most impacted by violence. Conduct outreach to engage these populations to develop and inform strategies to prevent violence, promote healing, and engage youth in leadership, mentoring, and civic engagement activities.

Activity Description Convene a minimum of 8 listening sessions, one in each SPA, to identify pre-implementation priorities, inform TPP project design, and build communication pathways for the initiative; reconvene a second series of listening sessions to inform recommendations for the LA County community-driven public safety and violence prevention plan.
# Type Name Baseline Target
18 Performance # of listening sessions held pre-implementation, and post-implementation 0.00 16.00

Activity Description Conduct a process and outcome evaluation of funded strategies to inform implementation and needed course corrections, assess the impact on identified populations (i.e., reduced violence) and clients (improved individual wellbeing), identify promising practices, and inform recommendations for future services and programs.

Outcome Description Rates of violence decrease by 15% in at least 10 of the 12 communities with the highest rates of violence between 2019 and 2024, and at a faster rate than LA County overall