The Department of Public Health in collaboration with First 5 LA, the Departments of Health Services and Mental Health and the County's Chief Executive Office are working with community-based partners and advisors to implement a unique, Guaranteed Income project serving high-risk pregnant and parenting individuals countywide. Economic instability increases homelessness, unemployment, and other hardships leading to toxic stress and increased risk for physical and mental health problems. During pregnancy, this risk may result in adverse outcomes for infant and parent, even infant or parent death. In Los Angeles County, for example, infant mortality rates for Black families are more than twice those for other populations and maternal mortality is near four times that for other groups, reflecting the impact of racism and social marginalization across generations . The project will confront these risks head on, by providing a stipend of $807 per month for 18 months to a minimum of 400 pregnant people in LA County from populations with the worst birth outcomes. T
The Guaranteed Income for At-Risk Expectant and Parenting Persons Project (the Project) is designed to alleviate poverty and in doing so, improve birth outcomes among high-risk populations impacted by COVID 19. The Los Angeles County, early 45% of residents live paycheck-to-paycheck, unable to pay for a $400 emergency (United Way’s Real Cost Index). Many jobs simply do not pay enough to keep pace with the skyrocketing cost of living in the County. Data from the Housing and Urban Development Department shows that LA County is one of the most cost-burdened metropolitan regions in the Country with nearly half of County households spending more than 30% of their income on housing.