Recreation Programming at County Parks


County Spending Category
2.5 Healthy Families
Federal Expenditure Category
Other Public Health Services
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

  • This project does not currently have any contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Partner with CBOS to host special events to increase awareness
  • Total Number of Youth Served
  • Total Number of Youth Served
  • Total Number of Families/Households Served
  • Total Number of Visitors to Nature Centers
  • Total Number of Older Adults Served

Target Populations

  • People with Disabilities
  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • People Experiencing Homelessness

Project Description

The Department of Parks and Recreation's equity-based recreational programming (the Project) is critical to the well-being of LA County residents, especially those living in high need and vulnerable communities as identified in the County's Parks Needs Assessment (2016) and Parks Needs Assessment Plus (2022) final reports. Through this Project, DPR is offering a variety of programs, events, and activities to the public to meet community needs, foster resilience, and help communities to recover and heal from the trauma brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the racial reckoning. The availability of free or low-cost recreational programming greatly advances health equity and enables more residents to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity in parks and other recreational settings. The total Project budget is $3.4 million. Numerous studies have documented the multiple benefits of recreational programming. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, recreational programming that occurs during out-of-school-time offers mental, physical, and social benefits to children's development and can reduce the toxic stress associated with adverse early childhood experiences (ACEs) (Ergler et al., 2013; Feng & Astell-Burt, 2017; Lewis & Burd-Sharps, 2018; Santoro, 2021). Approximately 31% of children residing in Los Angeles County report experiencing one or more ACEs, and 15.7% of youth have experienced two or more ACEs (Kidsdata, 2021). Older adults ages 60+ report feeling high levels of loneliness and isolation, which has been exacerbated by COVID-19, and can lead to early onset of dementia and even death (CDC, 2021).

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description Increase access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for 213,000 youth in underserved unincorporated communities annually.

Objective Description 111,000 youth participants in Every Body Plays - After School Program, Snack Program, Drop-in Check Out Program annually.

Activity Description Offer Every Body Plays - After School Program, Snack Program, Drop-in Check Out Program (Year-Round).
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Partner with CBOS to host special events to increase awareness 0.00 111000.00

Objective Description 98,000 youth participants in Summer Adventures Camps which offer drop in activities and childcare during the summer.

Activity Description Offer supervised activities and childcare for youth at 56 local and community parks across the county during the summer.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Total Number of Youth Served 98000.00

Objective Description 4,000 youth participants Sports For All which is a free sports clinics program.

Activity Description Offer free sports clinics program at 56 local and community parks across the county year-round.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Total Number of Youth Served 4000.00

Outcome Description Increased access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for youth in underserved unincorporated communities.

Goal Description Increase access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for families (112,000 attendees) in underserved unincorporated communities annually.

Objective Description 112,000 attendees at Community Cohesion Events, including Halloween, Harvest, Winter and Spring Programs, which are held year-round.

Activity Description Offer Community Cohesion Events year-round at 56 local and community parks across the county.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Total Number of Families/Households Served 112000.00

Outcome Description Increased access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for families in underserved unincorporated communities.

Goal Description Increase access to nature and nature-related programs for 860,000 visitors, especially for residents living in underserved unincorporated communities annually.

Objective Description 860,000 visitors to nature centers where Every Body Explores, one Community Cohesion Event, and Nature Center Discovery Programs are offered.

Activity Description Offer Every Body Explores, one Community Cohesion Event, and Nature Center Discovery Programs at eight (8) nature centers.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Total Number of Visitors to Nature Centers 860000.00

Outcome Description Increased access to nature and nature-related programs, especially for residents in underserved unincorporated communities.

Goal Description Increase access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for 56,000 older adults (65+)/seniors in underserved unincorporated communities annually.

Objective Description 56,000 older adult participants in programs, activities, and events at senior centers.

Activity Description Offer a variety of free programs, activities, and events for older adult participants at three (3) senior centers.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Total Number of Older Adults Served 56000.00

Outcome Description Increased access to free recreation programming, activities, and events for older adults (65+)/seniors in underserved unincorporated communities.