Sustained Public Health Response and Supports for COVID-19


County Spending Category
3.3 Support the Sustained Public Health Response to COVID-19
Federal Expenditure Category
Other COVID-19 Public Health Expenses (including Communications, Enforcement, Isolation/Quarantine)
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • # of sites in most vulnerable communities that dispense therapeutics
  • # of new outbreaks in TK-12 school classrooms over past 7 days
  • # of new outbreaks in skilled nursing facility over past 7 days
  • # of new outbreaks in PEH settings over past 7 days
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported
  • Number of mobile vaccine sites per week
  • # of workers and employers who receive outreach and education
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for American Indian/Alaska Native
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Asian
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Black
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Hispanic/Latino
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for White
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Other
  • Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Under Investigation
  • Number of fixed vaccinations sites offering free vaccinations
  • Cumulative # of cases reported by race/ethnicity
  • Percentage of residents receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID vaccine.
  • Percentage of LA County population 6 months and older who are receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID-19 vaccine, White
  • Percentage of LA County population 6 months and older who are receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID-19 vaccine, Asian
  • Percentage of LA County population 6 months and older who are receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID-19 vaccine, Black/African American
  • Percentage of LA County population 6 months and older who are receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID-19 vaccine, Latinx
  • Percentage of LA County population 6 months and older who are receiving 1+ dose of the 23-24 COVID-19 vaccine, American Indian/Alaska Native

Target Populations

  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • People with Disabilities
  • Systems Impacted Individuals

Project Description

COVID-19 pandemic impacted the health and well-being of individuals and communities in Angeles County. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has expanded its infrastructure and led the pandemic response efforts by providing equitable approaches in COVID-19 disease prevention and control for the county. Public Health has implemented control strategies, provides guidance, technical assistance, education and support throughout the pandemic to protect residents. Public Health has adjusted and expanded its COVID-19 response to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and negatively impacted residents in Los Angeles County. Those efforts include three core Public Health services: 1) prevention, 2) surveillance, and 3) control activities. Prevention activities protect residents from disease by reducing risk of exposure and infection of COVID-19. Public Health collaborated with trusted local partners who are in HPI+ communities, schools and high-risk, low-wage worker sectors to help provide vaccinations, education, technical support, call center services and resources for prevention strategies that will protect residents and workers from disease, hospitalization and death. Surveillance activities include testing, sustaining systems to track and manage data, identify cases, and detect possible clusters and outbreaks, to provide guidance to providers on response efforts, and to use early notification systems to minimize risk and prevent outbreaks. In particular, track hospitalizations and fatalities, integrate data with vaccine to detect vaccine escape, and provide data on nursing homes county wide as well as equity metrics in an ongoing effort to protect the most vulnerable in the county. Control activities limit the spread of disease and prevent severe illness and death and include efforts such as outbreak investigation, technical support, case management, and therapeutics. The outbreak teams respond to outbreaks in Skilled Nursing and Long-Term Care Facilities, among persons experiencing homelessness in both shelters and encampments, at K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and worksites in Los Angeles County; identify possible sources of exposures and provide guidance to reduce risk of ongoing transmission, including improved infection control. Control activities also include providing therapeutics to eligible patients as needed. This project will continue the multi-faceted public health response to fight COVID-19 through health equity prevention, surveillance and control strategies to protect the health of Los Angeles County residents.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description All county residents will have access to public health control and prevention strategies, especially those in high need/high priority communities.

Objective Description Through the duration of the fund, eligible DPH COVID-19 patients will have access to therapeutics through various routes, including DPH telehealth services.

Activity Description Provide access to therapeutics by promoting sites offering therapeutics.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery # of sites in most vulnerable communities that dispense therapeutics 250.00

Activity Description Prescribe COVID medication to patients when appropriate

Objective Description Through the duration of the fund, DPH will conduct surveillance and outbreak investigations in 100% of the settings where outbreaks are identified for investigation of skilled nursing facilities, K-12 schools and among people experiencing homelessness in both shelters and encampments as identified.

Activity Description Conduct Outbreak Investigations in high-risk sectors.
# Type Name Baseline Target
2 Performance # of new outbreaks in TK-12 school classrooms over past 7 days
3 Performance # of new outbreaks in skilled nursing facility over past 7 days
4 Performance # of new outbreaks in PEH settings over past 7 days

Activity Description Track and analyze COVID case data.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for American Indian/Alaska Native
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Asian
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Black
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Hispanic/Latino
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for White
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Other
1 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported for Under Investigation
3 Performance Cumulative # of positive COVID-19 cases reported

Objective Description Through the duration of the fund, the Department will conduct outreach to individuals in high-risk work settings.

Activity Description Conduct outreach and education to individuals in high-risk work settings
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery # of workers and employers who receive outreach and education

Goal Description All residents in LA County will have access to COVID-19 primary vaccine series and boosters.

Objective Description Through the duration of the fund, vaccines will be accessible to LA County residents.

Activity Description Coordinate vaccination events
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Service Delivery Number of mobile vaccine sites per week

Objective Description Through the duration of the fund, DPH will promote vaccinations throughout LA County.

Activity Description Promote and track vaccinate rates across the County.