Recovery Bridge Housing


County Spending Category
1.3 Care First, Jails Last
Federal Expenditure Category
Other Public Health Services
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

This project does not have any reported Indicators or Metrics

Target Populations

Project Description

Recovery Bridge Housing (RBH) is a type of recovery oriented, peer supported housing that provides a safe interim living environment, for up to 180 days for adults (aged 18 years and older) who are homeless or unstably housed and are concurrently enrolled in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment (e.g., outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient, opioid treatment program, or outpatient withdrawal management). RBH beds are not reimbursable through Medi-Cal and rely on other funding sources, including State and local funds to sustain operations. The RBH per day rate is $50.00 for adults, $55 for Pregnant and/or Parenting Women. CFCI funding will expand total RBH bed capacity by 100 beds at existing and new sites to serve justice involved individuals and parents with children.

Goals & Objectives