Capital Projects - General Hospital

CEO Capital Projects

County Spending Category
3.4 Capital Projects
Federal Expenditure Category
Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Interpretation Languages
  • Spanish
Written Languages
  • Spanish

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Affordable Housing Units Preserved or Developed
  • Issue RFP for mixed-use development with affordable housing through public-private partnership.
  • Receive developer proposals in response to RFP
  • Receive Board approval of selected developer (Centennial Partners)
  • Receive Board approval to extend ENA period to 36 months and initiate studies with independent utility to the County, which will help define project
  • Execute ENA with developer, facilitating project definition and planning phases, including outreach to community stakeholders
  • Advance studies with independent utility to the County (project agreements and preliminary budgets), which will also assist with project definition
  • Receive Board approval to initiate the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) process with the developer, which includes negotiating terms of agreement for mixed use development and facilitating robust community engagement during project definition phase
  • # of housing units created
  • entitlement and predevelopment Scope legal document draft completed
  • Draft Environmental Impact Report Published
  • Final Environmental Impact Report Published
  • Board Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report
  • entitlement and predevelopment Scope activities will be finalized and defined
  • Project Construction will commence

Target Populations

  • Small Businesses
  • People Experiencing Homelessness
  • People with Disabilities
  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • The target populations to be served by the proposed project for mixed-use development with affordable housing are the traditionally underserved communities surrounding the LA General Medical Center campus. The area where the proposed project is located is identified as “Highest Need” by the COVID-19 Vulnerability & Recovery Index. Residents in this area are disadvantaged regarding access to affordable housing, as well as other economic and public health indicators (e.g. below-average household incomes, above-average unemployment, above-average rates of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes). As noted by the COVID-19 Vulnerability & Recovery Index, this historic underinvestment makes residents of the surrounding communities particularly susceptible to the negative health impacts of the pandemic by increasing their risk of physical and mental illness and decreasing economic stability by limited access to safe and affordable housing.
  • Disproportionately Impacted Low-Income Households and Populations

Project Description

In response to the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts are being made in LA County Supervisorial District 1 to provide individuals with affordable housing options, particularly those who are struggling to make ends meet and are living below the federal poverty level. There has been a shortage of affordable housing in LA County for some time, and this problem has increased significantly since the pandemic due to the effects of people experiencing health issues such as long COVID, and economic issues such as loss of employment. The location of the project site (historic General Hospital and portions of West Campus, adjacent to the new LA General Hospital, will be very advantageous to the target population.   This proposed project will increase the supply of affordable housing and provide wraparound services. It is envisioned as a mixed-use development including affordable housing in the old General Hospital building with new construction on portions of the West Campus, located on the Los Angeles General Medical Center campus. On January 25, 2023 the County of Los Angeles (County) Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a proposed mixed-use development including affordable housing with wraparound services in the historic General Hospital building, and new construction on portions of West Campus on the County’s LAC+USC Medical Center campus (renamed as the Los Angeles General Medical Center on May 3, 2023). The County’s vision for the Project Site is a collaborative Public Private Partnership mixed-use project which includes affordable and market rate housing, commercial spaces, office and economic opportunity spaces, community-oriented space, open space, adequate parking, and other infrastructure. This vision is centered on the “Healthy Vision” concept, which aims to support the most vulnerable populations and address critical community needs such as a mission-aligned reuse of the historic General Hospital building; low-income and high-need population affordable housing, and wrap-around community services informed by the Whole Person Care concept and built on a foundation of robust community engagement. Key milestones in the journey to revitalize this historic County asset and address the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community include: a. November 2018: Supervisor Hilda L. Solis authored a Board Motion directing the County’s Chief Executive Office (CEO) to prepare a feasibility study for the adaptive reuse of the County’s 1.2 million square foot General Hospital; West Campus was added later. b. April 2022: the CEO submitted the General Hospital and West Campus Feasibility Study to the Board of Supervisors (the Board); the Study envisions the combined renovation of historic General Hospital and redevelopment of portions of West Campus, centered on a “Reuse Framework” reflecting community priorities and uses, County requirements, and technical considerations. c. December 2022: $129 million in funding has been identified ($24 million in Capital Project No. 87883, $55 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds, and $50 million in State Housing and Community Development funds) d. January 2023: the DEO posted a Request for Proposals for a mixed use development with affordable housing through a public-private partnership e. June 2023: developer proposals were submitted f. October 2023: the Board approved the selected developer (Centennial Partners) g. December 2023: the Board approved initiating the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) process with Centennial Partners h. June 2024: the Board authorized extending the ENA negotiation period to 36 months i. July 2024: the County executed the ENA with Centennial Partners; during this process the County will negotiate and finalize all elements of the proposed project design, including outreach to community stakeholders j. Winter 2025: advance studies with independent utility to the County, which will also assist with project definition k. Summer 2027: All entitlements secured, including CEQA; Board approves lease/DDA with Developer and property is under control of Developer; construction starts l. Late 2034: anticipated project completion and initiation of services, based on timely completion of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement process, entitlements process (including CEQA), and design and construction.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description By January 2035 (target service delivery date), construct 885 housing units on the LA General Medical Center Campus. Ensure that 30% of the units are affordable and will therefore house the vulnerable populations that the COVID-19 pandemic has highly impacted. Secure funding, obtain necessary permits, and establish partnerships to complete the project within a 9-year timeline that aligns with community needs and the hospital's mission.

Objective Description By July 2027, the scope of the development project will be defined.

Activity Description By December 2025, legal documents for the entitlement and predevelopment scope will be drafted.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance entitlement and predevelopment Scope legal document draft completed 1.00

Activity Description By August 2026, the publication of the draft Environmental Impact Report will be completed.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Draft Environmental Impact Report Published 0.00 1.00

Activity Description By February 2027, the publication of the final Environmental Impact Report will be completed.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Final Environmental Impact Report Published 0.00 1.00

Activity Description By May 2027, the Board of Supervisors will certify the Final Environmental Impact Report.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Board Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report 0.00 1.00

Activity Description By July 2027, construction of the project will commence.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome entitlement and predevelopment Scope activities will be finalized and defined 0.00 1.00

Activity Description By January 2023, an RFP for mixed-use development with affordable housing through public-private partnership will be issued.
# Type Name Baseline Target
5 Performance Issue RFP for mixed-use development with affordable housing through public-private partnership. 1.00

Activity Description By June 2023, the program will receive developer proposals in response to the RFP.
# Type Name Baseline Target
6 Performance Receive developer proposals in response to RFP 1.00

Activity Description By October 2023, the Board will approve the selected developer.
# Type Name Baseline Target
7 Performance Receive Board approval of selected developer (Centennial Partners) 1.00

Activity Description By June 2024, the Board will extend ENA period to 36 months and initiate studies with independent utility to the County.
# Type Name Baseline Target
9 Performance Receive Board approval to extend ENA period to 36 months and initiate studies with independent utility to the County, which will help define project 1.00

Activity Description By July 2024, an ENA with developer will be executed to facilitate project definition and planning phases, including outreach to community stakeholders.
# Type Name Baseline Target
10 Performance Execute ENA with developer, facilitating project definition and planning phases, including outreach to community stakeholders 1.00

Outcome Description By January 2035 (target service delivery date), 30% of the 885 housing units created will be affordable housing that serves the needs of current community residents near LA General Medical Center Campus, emphasizing those highly impacted by COVID-19 and economically challenged due to the pandemic.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome # of housing units created 885.00
4 Program Outcome Number of Affordable Housing Units Preserved or Developed 266.00
15 Number of Applicants 0.00 0.00