LA County Rent Relief


County Spending Category
2.4 Stable Housing
Federal Expenditure Category
Loans or Grants to Mitigate Financial Hardship
Project Launch Date
Anticipated End Date
Interpretation Languages
  • Armenian
  • Cambodian (Khmer)
  • Farsi
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog/Filipino
  • Thai
  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese
  • Vietnamese
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Japanese
  • ASL
Written Languages
  • Armenian
  • Cambodian (Khmer)
  • Farsi
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog/Filipino
  • Thai
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Vietnamese
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Japanese

Project Contacts

Indicators & Metrics to Date

  • Number of Small Businesses Served
  • Number of Grants Provided
  • Total dollar amount of grants disbursed
  • Number of Applications Submitted
  • Total informational and application workshop events
  • Translation of all public-facing program materials translated into all County threshold languages
  • Execute subrecipient agreement with TPA
  • Total number of applications reviewed
  • Open grant application to the public
  • Percentage of grantees who met between 2-4 of the project's priority criteria
  • Total number of applicants whose rental unit(s) are located within the high and highest needs census tracts
  • Project Evaluation Completed
  • Total number and locations of digital billboard advertisements
  • Total number of media outlets publishing project press releases
  • Total number of informational and technical assistance virtual and in-person events
  • Total number of program promotion events
  • Total number of customer service call center exchanges
  • Finalize application review priority criteria
  • Data dashboard launched
  • Total number and locations of LPN subcontractors
  • Total number of social media and email advertisements
  • Number of grants provided
  • Total number of customer service call center exchanges
  • Total dollar amount of grants disbursed
  • Number of Small Businesses Served
  • Number of Small Businesses Served

Target Populations

  • People with Disabilities
  • Systems Impacted Individuals
  • Systems Involved Individuals
  • Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Disorders
  • Individuals Experiencing Substance Use Disorders
  • Small Businesses

Project Description

Housing stability plays a critical role in the life course outcomes of individuals and families and is strongly predictive of individual, family, and community health and wellbeing. This is particularly salient in the areas of school attendance rates among children and youth; stable employment among adults; and supportive parenting capacities. The Los Angeles County Rent Relief Program (“Project”) will provide $72,191,000 in direct financial assistance to qualifying landlords located within the County, but not in the City of Los Angeles. This total includes $2,892,322 specifically dedicated to assisting the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) with rental arrears at their property sites. This Project will be a “low barrier to entry” project that prioritizes the delivery of relief to small mom-and-pop landlords, landlords with properties located in the County’s most vulnerable neighborhoods, and low-income landlords or those renting to low-income families. The aim of the Project is to mitigate the detrimental economic impacts of the pandemic upon landlords and ensure the ongoing viability of their rental property while also reducing the number of tenants being evicted in the County due to unpaid rents. The Project will have a targeted focus upon assisting those with the greatest needs as defined by several criteria including the COVID-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index. While this is a landlord-forward program, impacted tenants will be able to refer their respective landlords to the Project and staff will engage the landlord and encourage them to apply. Applicants who meet the conditions of the Project will be eligible for disbursements of up to $30,000 per rental unit to cover qualifying unpaid rental debt and any related expenses, such as utilities. The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) will implement this Project by funding a lead subrecipient who will be responsible for providing program administration services, including development and oversight of the Project website, its application platform, and oversight of Project processes and procedures. Additionally, the subrecipient will be responsible for ensuring reduction of barriers to the relief opportunity by providing technical and language assistance to applicants; ongoing Project promotion via key multimedia resources; and coordination of an outreach and education campaign through a procured network of local County partners who will target their efforts in the communities hit hardest by the pandemic’s economic fallout.

Goals & Objectives

Goal Description To provide financial relief to landlords impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic while keeping at least 2,405 vulnerable tenant households living in historically underserved communities stably housed.

Objective Description To disburse $72,191,000 in grant funding to landlords to alleviate their tenants' COVID-19-related rental/utilities debts by 12/31/24.

Activity Description By 9/30/23, DCBA will have executed a Subrecipient Agreement with a qualified third party administrator who will be responsible for partnering with DCBA to develop and implement the project.
# Type Name Baseline Target
11 Performance Execute subrecipient agreement with TPA 0.00 0.00

Activity Description By 12/10/23, the third-party administrator and DCBA will have a finalized draft of the grant application. The application will be simplified in that it will only ask for essential information and there will be a step-by-step application guide available in all 14 County threshold languages.
# Type Name Baseline Target
10 Performance Translation of all public-facing program materials translated into all County threshold languages 14.00 14.00
18 Program Outcome Number of Applications Submitted 3500.00 7000.00

Activity Description By 12/12/23, the project's application will open to the public and remain open for a period of 30-days.
# Type Name Baseline Target
13 Service Delivery Open grant application to the public
18 Program Outcome Number of Applications Submitted 3500.00 7000.00

Activity Description By 2/2/24, the third party administrator and its subcontractors will begin review of all application submissions for project eligibility and placement within applicable priority groups.
# Type Name Baseline Target
12 Performance Total number of applications reviewed 3500.00 7000.00

Activity Description By 12/31/24, the third-party administrator will have reviewed all submitted applications, selected awardees, and disbursed the full $72,191,000 to landlord awardees.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Number of grants provided 117.00 150.00
1 Program Outcome Total dollar amount of grants disbursed 3525000.00
1 Program Outcome Number of Small Businesses Served 750.00
1 Program Outcome Number of Small Businesses Served 250.00
19 Program Outcome Total dollar amount of grants disbursed 0.00 68666000.00
25 Program Outcome Number of Grants Provided 2288.00 3000.00

Objective Description To award at least 70% of rent relief grants, by 12/31/24, to landlords who they themselves and/or their affected tenants reflect the County’s most vulnerable and historically underserved populations by way of meeting at least two (2) of the following four (4) criteria: the affected rental unit is located within the high and highest needs census tracts as defined by the COVID-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index; landlord or tenant household income is at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI); the applicant qualifies as a small mom-and-pop landlord that owns between 1-4 rental units; and landlord can fully satisfy all back rent owed by their tenant through receipt of a rent relief grant.

Activity Description By 12/1/23, DCBA will have developed and established priority criteria and an associated ranking system that will govern how submitted applications will be prioritized for review and grant distribution.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Finalize application review priority criteria

Activity Description By 12/20/23, the third-party administrator and its tech subcontractor will have launched a data dashboard reflecting distribution of applications across priority groups, demographic information of landlord applicants and their tenants, and project performance metrics. Dashboard will reflect real time data to allow for ongoing program evaluation of its reach to target populations and rapid cycle process improvement if necessary.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Service Delivery Data dashboard launched

Activity Description By 1/3/24, DCBA will conduct daily data review and analyses of the data dashboard to assess project reach to priority populations and need for additional strategic outreach to ensure access for the County's most vulnerable.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Number of Small Businesses Served 750.00
1 Program Outcome Number of Small Businesses Served 250.00
14 Program Outcome Percentage of grantees who met between 2-4 of the project's priority criteria 0.00 1601.00
16 Program Outcome Total number of applicants whose rental unit(s) are located within the high and highest needs census tracts 572.00 1144.00

Outcome Description Stabilize the finances of at least 2,405 units via the receipt of rent relief grants of up to $30,000 per affected rental unit.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Number of grants provided 117.00 150.00
25 Program Outcome Number of Grants Provided 2288.00 3000.00

Outcome Description Stabilize and prevent the eviction of at least 2,405 tenant households that accrued back rent during the Project’s eligible period.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Program Outcome Number of grants provided 117.00 150.00
25 Program Outcome Number of Grants Provided 2288.00 3000.00

Outcome Description At least 70% of rent relief grants awarded to landlords who they themselves and/or their affected tenants reflect the County’s most vulnerable and historically underserved populations.
# Type Name Baseline Target
14 Program Outcome Percentage of grantees who met between 2-4 of the project's priority criteria 0.00 1601.00
16 Program Outcome Total number of applicants whose rental unit(s) are located within the high and highest needs census tracts 572.00 1144.00

Goal Description To increase awareness of countywide rent relief resources for landlords and tenants, landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, and eviction prevention resources for L.A. County residents.

Objective Description To establish a Local Partner Network (LPN), by 12/10/2023, of at least five (5) partners who collectively have a presence in all five (5) County supervisorial districts and have the expertise and linguistic competencies necessary to execute the Project’s outreach and education campaign.

Activity Description By 12/10/23, all LPN subcontracts will be executed.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Total number and locations of LPN subcontractors 5.00 5.00

Objective Description To conduct outreach and education to at least 200,000 County households between 12/11/23 and 12/31/24.

Activity Description By 1/3/24, at least ten (10) digital billboards will advertise the Project in high traffic locations in and around the high and highest needs census tracts as identified by the Los Angeles County Covid-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index.
# Type Name Baseline Target
3 Performance Total number and locations of digital billboard advertisements 10.00

Activity Description By 1/13/24, the LPN will have delivered at least 75 virtual and in-person Project outreach and informational events.
# Type Name Baseline Target
7 Performance Total number of program promotion events 25.00 50.00

Activity Description By 12/31/24, the LPN will have provided at least 1,000 Project applicants with technical assistance.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Total number of customer service call center exchanges 300.00
6 Performance Total number of informational and technical assistance virtual and in-person events 0.00
8 Performance Total number of customer service call center exchanges 0.00 3000.00

Activity Description By 1/12/24, the LPN will have completed at least 125 social media posts and/or email blasts advertising the Project.
# Type Name Baseline Target
1 Performance Total number of social media and email advertisements 75.00 125.00

Outcome Description At least 200,000 County households increased their awareness of and access to County rent relief opportunities, landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, and eviction prevention information, services, and resources.
# Type Name Baseline Target
7 Performance Total number of program promotion events 25.00 50.00