Project Expenditure Report

Strategic Pillar 2: Building a Bridge to an Equitable Recovery

Project Department Total Expenditure Total Budget Percent Expended
Arts Relief and Recovery Grants ARTS AND CULTURE $14,459,707.80 $15,000,000.00 96.40 %
Capital Programs: LACDA Public Housing Capital Improvements DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY $114,889.00 $5,679,850.00 2.02 %
Childcare Providers Grants and Incubator Program ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $38,644,536.00 $40,003,000.00 96.60 %
Creative Career Pathways for Youth ARTS AND CULTURE $3,061,682.43 $3,200,000.00 95.68 %
Creative Works Jobs for Artists ARTS AND CULTURE $4,800,364.28 $5,000,000.00 96.01 %
Domestic Violence Experts for DCFS Hotline CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES $500,797.83 $600,000.00 83.47 %
Domestic Violence Shelter-Based Program PUBLIC HEALTH $7,710,540.30 $12,050,000.00 63.99 %
Economic Mobility Initiative ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $5,112,526.00 $15,000,000.00 34.08 %
Economic Mobility Initiative-Commercial Acquisition Fund ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $10,431,761.00 $10,835,000.00 96.28 %
Elder Nutrition Program AGING AND DISABILITIES $15,569,500.05 $17,300,000.00 90.00 %
Fair Chance Campaign ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $2,100,000.00 $3,000,000.00 70.0 %
Food Assistance Awareness Campaign PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES DEPT $555,413.57 $500,000.00 111.08 %
Food Distribution Program PUBLIC HEALTH $401,546.00 $401,000.00 100.14 %
Food Distribution Program BOARD OF SUPERVISORS $3,965,504.00 $4,200,000.00 94.42 %
Grocery Voucher Program PUBLIC HEALTH $17,295,298.05 $14,025,000.00 123.32 %
Healthy Food Kickstarter Program CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $4,767,218.00 $5,000,000.00 95.34 %
High Road Training Partnerships ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $7,370,923.00 $9,000,000.00 81.90 %
High Road Training Partnerships - Film & Digital Media ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $1,190,971.00 $732,786.00 162.53 %
Home Visiting PUBLIC HEALTH $4,546,458.71 $5,558,000.00 81.80 %
Increase Capacity to Address Pandemic-Related Hate BOARD OF SUPERVISORS $1,914,303.11 $2,000,000.00 95.72 %
Keep LA Dining ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $9,650,000.00 $10,192,000.00 94.68 %
LA County Library Early Literacy and Education LA COUNTY LIBRARY $2,912,738.90 $4,830,000.00 60.31 %
LA County Mortgage Relief Partnership CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $7,862,342.00 $8,000,000.00 98.28 %
LA County Rent Relief CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $80,604,036.00 $80,659,000.00 99.93 %
LA Regional COVID Fund: Nonprofit Grants ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $14,811,966.00 $15,492,000.00 95.61 %
LA Regional COVID Fund: Small and Microbusiness Grants ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $33,087,414.00 $33,702,317.00 98.18 %
Landlord-Tenant Mediations CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $995,961.00 $1,000,000.00 99.60 %
Legal Aid for Small Business Owners ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $1,502,270.00 $3,000,000.00 50.08 %
Market Match PUBLIC HEALTH $2,973,774.84 $3,000,000.00 99.13 %
Nurse Family Partnership PUBLIC HEALTH $4,553,406.60 $6,342,000.00 71.80 %
Pandemic Recovery Rapid Reemployment ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $13,052,437.00 $20,000,000.00 65.26 %
Recreation and Aquatics at County Parks PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT $18,800,000.00 $18,800,000.00 100 %
Recreation Programming at County Parks PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT $1,680,000.00 $3,400,000.00 49.41 %
Reopening Culture, Tourism, and Marketing Initiative ARTS AND CULTURE $1,805,967.77 $1,900,000.00 95.05 %
Safer at Work ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $7,313,826.00 $7,600,000.00 96.23 %
Shop Local Campaigns ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $927,690.00 $1,000,000.00 92.77 %
Small Business Rent Relief ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $2,020,683.00 $7,500,000.00 26.94 %
Small Dollar Grants for Domestic Violence Survivors CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $5,066,083.00 $7,695,000.00 65.84 %
Stay Housed LA County CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $28,621,423.00 $42,560,000.00 67.25 %
Tenant Protections Hotline and Small Claims Advisor Program CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 100 %
Wraparound Services for Critical Employment Initiatives ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $1,148,400.00 $2,000,000.00 57.42 %
Youth @ Work ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $8,049,218.00 $10,000,000.00 80.49 %