Project Expenditure Report

Strategic Pillar 1: Equity-Focused Investments

Project Department Total Expenditure Total Budget Percent Expended
Accelerate Digital Equity INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $822,540.00 $6,730,307.00 12.22 %
Accelerate Digital Equity – Community Broadband Network 1 (East LA) INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $4,440,839.00 $13,465,563.00 32.98 %
Accelerate Digital Equity – Community Broadband Network 2 (South LA) INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $10,401,411.00 $31,504,130.00 33.02 %
Accelerate Digital Equity – Community Broadband Network 3 (Southeast LA) INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $0.00 $9,600,000.00 0 %
Alternative Crisis Response MENTAL HEALTH $1,600,000.00 $18,500,000.00 8.65 %
Arts for Justice-Involved Youth ARTS AND CULTURE $2,868,495.56 $3,000,000.00 95.62 %
Bed Availability Navigator System JUSTICE CARE OPPORTUNITY $258,981.94 $0.00 0 %
Building a Better Connection for Older Adults AGING AND DISABILITIES $445,639.55 $1,000,000.00 44.56 %
Capacity Building for Immigrant-Focused CBOs CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $4,216,549.00 $7,300,000.00 57.76 %
Capacity-Building Grants for Justice Focused CBOs JUSTICE CARE OPPORTUNITY $4,331,250.00 $9,000,000.00 48.12 %
Community Food Resource Grants BOARD OF SUPERVISORS $9,436,069.90 $21,861,000.00 43.16 %
Conversion of Interim Housing Units to Permanent Housing (PHK 1.0) CEO - Homeless Initiative $46,470,949.00 $162,648,000.00 28.57 %
County Land Bank CEO-Affordable Housing $0.00 $15,000,000.00 0 %
Delete the Divide Initiative INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $7,859,358.71 $12,050,000.00 65.22 %
Financial Coaching Partnership CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $907,185.00 $1,200,000.00 75.60 %
Food Distribution Program - Baby Formula HEALTH SERVICES $0.00 $0.00 0 %
Funding New Private Sector Affordable Housing Development CEO-Affordable Housing $2,025,738.06 $40,000,000.00 5.06 %
Grants to CBOs Focused on Financial Wellbeing and Wealth Building in Low-Income Communities of Color CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $1,010,010.00 $3,500,000.00 28.86 %
Guaranteed Basic Income CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE $28,333,984.00 $41,759,803.00 67.85 %
Guaranteed Income for At-Risk Expectant and Parenting Mothers PUBLIC HEALTH $361,787.16 $5,000,000.00 7.24 %
Harm Reduction Health Hub HEALTH SERVICES $0.00 $11,000,000.00 0 %
Homelessness Prevention HEALTH SERVICES $14,182,000.00 $25,000,000.00 56.73 %
Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS) and Tenancy Support Services for Federal Voucher Holders HEALTH SERVICES $36,876,000.00 $65,000,000.00 56.73 %
Interim Housing Operating Costs for Community-Based Sites HEALTH SERVICES $6,000,000.00 $0.00 0 %
Interim Housing Operating Costs for Safe Landing Site HEALTH SERVICES $4,250,000.00 $0.00 0 %
Job Programs for Reentry Populations - Careers For Cause ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $2,831,817.00 $2,600,000.00 108.92 %
Job Programs for Reentry Populations - Fire Camp Expansion JUSTICE CARE OPPORTUNITY $1,015,031.25 $14,500,000.00 7.00 %
Job Programs for Reentry Populations - SECTOR JUSTICE CARE OPPORTUNITY $306,578.91 $2,000,000.00 15.33 %
LA Community Impact Hubs INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT $719,181.20 $2,000,000.00 35.96 %
LA County Library "Park and Connect" Program LA COUNTY LIBRARY $1,487,419.00 $1,500,000.00 99.16 %
Legal Representation for Immigrants at Risk of Removal CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $5,228,121.00 $7,000,000.00 74.69 %
Library Laptop and Hotspots Lending and Workready Programs LA COUNTY LIBRARY $3,101,612.00 $3,400,000.00 91.22 %
Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations - DPH PUBLIC HEALTH $0.00 $600,000.00 0 %
ODR Interim Housing Beds HEALTH SERVICES $5,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 100 %
Permanent Supportive Housing Through New Modular and Prefabrication Construction - Rancho Los Amigos Interim Housing CEO Capital Projects $1,400,000.00 $1,400,000.00 100 %
Project Homekey 2.0 CEO - Homeless Initiative $64,205,153.25 $140,700,000.00 45.63 %
Project Homekey 2.0 - Expansion Project Homekey 3.0 CEO - Homeless Initiative $120,160,247.25 $140,700,000.00 85.40 %
Public Wi-Fi at County Parks PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT $1,354,918.71 $1,700,000.00 79.70 %
Rental Subsidies for Permanent Supportive Housing HEALTH SERVICES $28,904,000.00 $100,500,000.00 28.76 %
Safe Parking CEO - Homeless Initiative $268,169.00 $5,500,000.00 4.88 %
Street Vending Collaborative for Health, Safety, and Economic Mobility ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $997,932.00 $3,500,000.00 28.51 %
System of Care Expansion JUSTICE CARE OPPORTUNITY $9,851,321.00 $10,500,000.00 93.82 %
Trauma Prevention Partnerships PUBLIC HEALTH $6,166,500.77 $25,000,000.00 24.67 %
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) for People Experiencing Homelessness CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS $2,182,453.00 $2,070,000.00 105.43 %
Willow Tree CEO - Homeless Initiative $13,319,798.36 $19,052,000.00 69.91 %
Youth Workforce Development Partnership ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY $2,614,336.00 $2,661,000.00 98.25 %